Cleaning the apartment: testing family relationships for strength

Cleaning the apartment: testing family relationships for strength
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After my beloved and I got married, my parents immediately bought us an apartment. They believed (and we completely agree with them on this) that a separate young family should have everything of its own and should live away from their parents.

We were lucky, my wife and I have relativesmoney for separate housing was set aside in advance, but even if there was no money, we would still rent a separate apartment. Let it be small, let it be with a minimum of furniture and without household appliances, but at least it’s your own, without the supervision of “adults.” Otherwise, what is the point of having a separate family if you continue to live at the expense of your parents, sitting on their necks?

In practice, everything turned out to be not so rosy. Moderngirls (and minethe wife is no exception) are not particularly eager to run a household, and more often than not they simply do not know how to do anything around the house. And if during the period of romantic courtship this was not noticeable, because... It was always possible to have dinner at home after returning from a date to a carefully cleaned parental apartment, but in the case of separate living, had no one to count on. If we haven’t prepared anything ourselves, if we’re too lazy to wash the dishes and wipe the dust, then we’ll sit hungry in a dirty apartment.

At first it wasn't that upsetting. We played as adultsrelationship , were as patient and tolerant of each other as possible, easily forgiving each other’s shortcomings. But gradually fatigue and irritation began to accumulate, we began toquarrel and sort things out unless absolutely necessary.

Quarrels began over the family budget, because... Most of it was spent on paying bills from cafes, restaurants and home delivery of food. The apartment was dirty, smelled bad, clothes were washed as best they could, and it often happened that there was simply nothing to wear to work. What kind of romance is there when you run around with an iron like crazy, late for work, and the refrigerator has been empty for days...

Fortunately, we found the strength to sit down and calmly talk about everything. Having written down all the complaints against each other on a piece of paper, we discovered that almost all of them were purely everyday: cleaning, cooking, ironing, taking out the trash, going for groceries... Instead of mutual insults and shifting responsibility to each other, we calmly discussed everything we haveproblems and fairly distributed household responsibilities.

This is actually not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to formalize all processes and not lose sight of the little things, in which, as we know, the devil lies. So, if you are too lazy to find out whose responsibility it is to wash mirrors, windows orrefrigerator , then be sure that sooner or later this problem will result in a scandal with mutual accusations.

Since neither of us likes cleaning, we decided to entrust this work to professionals. The money is small, and it’s not worth it to swear over dust on the mezzanines, dirty floors and stains on the window sills. It’s better to work a little more, earning money in a field that interests you, than to do work you hate, gritting your teeth, or even more so, postponing the problem week after week (as was the case with us before, which ultimately led to scandals).

Now we have practically no quarrels. I love to cook, take out the trash and buyThe products turned out to be not that difficult. My wife does the washing, ironing and other little things. I think oursThe recipe for family happiness will be useful to many young families who do not understand why they constantly fight. Use it, we don’t mind!

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