My daughter's reproaches hurt my soul

My daughter's reproaches hurt my soul
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is only 16 years old. She studies at a technical school and is not dating a guy. On September 1, at the technical school, the curator interviewed students about where they were from, where they learned about this technical school, and where their parents worked.

After the performances of her classmates, she felt ashamed that sheMom is “not a sea captain,” but an ordinary employee. I went to the dance. During one lesson, everyone began to share their impressions of trips to cities, countries, achievements, etc. My daughter’s words: “I didn’t even have anything to tell them, I wasn’t anywhere.” And she told this to me with such reproach.

I explained to her that everythinglife ahead, what we couldn’t do, you can achieve everything yourself. She became annoyed that she lived in the same room with her younger sister, and began to say that she wanted a separate room. She became irritated by the fact that I was cooking, that we lived in an old house (private house) and that the family “always doesn’t have enough money.”

This has never happened beforethe relationship was good and trusting. If possible, we went to a cafe, andShe gave money if she and her friends went somewhere. My heart is heavy after her statements. We're likethere were friends .

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