I left my job and now my conscience is bothering me

I left my job and now my conscience is bothering me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a chemist by profession, I was looking for a job for a whole year, but I couldn’t find one in my city, so I went to another country and got a job as a teacher at a boarding school. At first everything was fine, but then the teacher told me that my student broke the TV, although when I left work in the evening everything was fine. The student’s parents blamed me for everything, then they said that my students broke the toys, although I and the children were not in the playroom. Then they said thatthe child lost the device, although he showed it to me in the evening, he had it, the child himself admitted that he threw it away, and for some reason the student’s parents said that I could have stolen it.

The teacher wrote a report against me because the children broke the pencils that I sharpened and poured glue into the pencil case of the student who was offending them. The director said that I beat the child and wanted to fire me, although I did not lay a finger on him, the technician witnessed that the child kicked me in the stomach and threw a tantrum himself. The children of all the test-antibiotic.com volunteers and even the head teacher were there. I was threatened with dismissal, but the children loved me and did not want me to quit. Also, the parents of the students called and asked me not to quit, but my nerves could not stand it, and I quit.

And now I’m tormented by my conscience that I did the wrong thing by quitting. I can't understand why it didn't work out for meI cry every day . I simply loved my job, despite the fact that we all had our salaries cut. I was even ready to pay for the TV and the device, I just loved children and I think I worked well, but why did it all turn out this way?

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