No man needs a successful wife

No man needs a successful wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My future husband and I studied together, got married in our third year, and after graduating from university we had a child.son . My husband went to work, I stayed at home with the child.

At first he worked in his specialty, then he quit and began to look for a more profitable job. I was against it, I said that this was just the beginning, that you need to develop in the area that you know and understand. Otherwise, why study for so many years? Moreover, our parents helped us financially.

SoThe husband stayed at home for several months, still looking for a suitable job, for some reason he decided that having a higher education, he could apply for a leadership position. My persuasion and arguments were met with hostility. But we havechild and we couldn’t sit on our parents’ necks! As a result, he found a job even worse than the first time, it seemed to me that he did this to spite me. Quarrels began, the husband pretended to be offended, while our classmates had already found employment in various firms and companies. The salary is not so great, but there is a job and I have workedexperience . Only my husband did not want to understand this.

This continued until my son was two years old, and I decided that it was time for me to look for a job before I forgot the course of study. I enrolled my child in kindergarten, found a job in a bank not far from home, the salary was small (I didn’t expect more at first), but I could gain experience at the same time. Not everything worked out, they did it to me oftenremark even from employees, not to mention superiors. I came home completely devastated, my husband didn’t like it, he gloated that I was earning pennies. After all, I only recently taught him. But I didn’t give up, I understood that without work experience and in a new place it would be like this everywhere.

A year later, I already felt more confident, I could cope with the work, and after working for five years, I was appointed head of the department. My husband still works outside his specialty, having changed several companies during this time. Instead of being happy about my appointment, he ignored my successes and even the salary that I would receive.

I think it’s just common envy and men’s wounded pride thathis wife achieved greater success than he did. Our relations are now strained, where did thatthe love with which he offered me his hand and heart...

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