Tired of sadness and loneliness

Tired of sadness and loneliness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, I dreamed of a big family, so that I would have a family member besides my mother.brother orsister _ Dad died early, when I was 6 years old. I don't remember him at all.

Four years latermom came outmarried _ How I wanted my mother to have a child. But my dream did not come true, and thisthe marriage was short-lived. My stepfather was ill and died of a heart attack. Mom and I were left alone again.

I was already in my second year of college and started dating a guy four years older than me. After graduating from college we got married, a year later he was bornson , and two years later they divorced. Somehow it didn't work out.

I never got married , much less my mother. We were raising a child. Now that my son is already an adult (22 years old), I feel especially lonely. We live together, my mother lives separately alone. All oursfamily - three people. No relatives, no cousins, no aunts, no uncles, no one.

The son does not date anyone and does not want to, he hates children. And I would test-antibiotic.com be happy to babysit my grandchildren. And with his attitude, I generally doubt that they will ever be. I myself cannot date a man and start a family due to a previous illness. I can't have sex (even this happens). I tried to get acquainted on the site, I immediately wrote that onlyfriendship , without intimate relationships. But who needs it?

That'slife passes, but dreams remain dreams. Probably, the Lord wants us not to continue, otherwise how can we explain this vicious circle of loneliness of our family? And why should I even live? I don't see the point without a future.

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