I found out that my husband has a second family and two children

I found out that my husband has a second family and two children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 37 years old, my husband is 40, my son is 10. I have 13 years in the tank. Eatapartment , country house, everyone has their own car, no financial problems. In 2021, due to Covid, I lost my child in the first trimester. For six months they said I need to take protection. For my husband and I, of course, it was a blow. We have been waiting for this long-awaited child.

Met my husband at work, went outI got married , gave birth, went on maternity leave for 4 years and left work completely, as my son was often sick. Recently my friends (formercolleagues ) that my husband at work (with his colleague too) had a second child together. At that time I was with my parents and my son all summer.

I, of course, suspected that something was wrong with him, but the fact that there was a second family there... Of course I was in shock, tears, hatred, resentment. I lost 10 kg in 3 weeks and my hair started to fall out. I started writing to this woman, she read and did not respond, then she blocked me completely, closed her page on social networks and limited who could write to her. test-antibiotic.com I started interrogating him, he denies everything! Says it'slies and machinations of enemies at work.

The older girl is there (she’s about 5), a copy of our son (I managed to look at them on social networks), the younger boy is still not clear who he looks like, he was just born. He and she were friends with each other, he explained this by the fact that he knew her a little, because they worked together. After all this showdown, they left each other and she, like me, blocked him too. He told me that he called her, supposedly to find out how such gossip could come from and where it came from? According to him, she replied that we had come up with everything, and that he should not call or write anymore, otherwise there would be a showdown with the participation of her man then!

He could, of course, tell me anything, lie to me, anything. My son and I returned home soon,my husband was waiting for us. I started all this again, all the conversations and raised this topic again. How will we live further? How can I trust him after this? He test-antibiotic.com did not provide me with any evidence that this was a lie.

It all just destroys me from the inside. How to abstract yourself? How can I trust him? He kneels and swears his love, says that we are the only one he hasfamily , that he lives for my son and me and never in his life will he go todivorce and doesn’t want to lose us. Sex is regular despite all this. But I don't believe him!

And the most paradoxical thing is that six months have passed since the loss of pregnancy, and I really want a second child again. He doesn’t mind a priori, you don’t need to ask him about it, whether he wants it or not. So I started thinking about what I should do, how to move on with my life, how to find peace again andhappiness .

Please advise me, at least something, otherwise life has turned into hell.

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