I found out about my husband's cheating too late

I found out about my husband's cheating too late
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read itconfession thatmy husband found out about his wife’s infidelity only after her death, and I have the same story. I also found out about the betrayal only after my husband’s death. I don’t know what’s scarier, to find out during life or after. Resentment,pain and agony. I’ve been living like in a nightmare for almost a year now, I got sick. The trouble is that there is no way to ask, or look into his eyes, or spit in those eyes.

All his life (we were together for 39 years) he was considered a good husband, a monogamous man. Of course, anything happened, but I did not expect such a monstrous betrayal. She trusted in everything, and did not check, did not know any “signs of a wandering husband.” It turned out that she was very naive. Of course, sometimes I felt something was wrong and attributed it to the fact that I started drinking a lot.

Now I understandthe wife must always be on guard,relationships must be controlled, not allowed to take their course, in order to stop everything at the beginning. I think it all depends on the person, on his decency. Some have shame and conscience, some do not, some can muffle their lust and fornication, test-antibiotic.com, but others cannot. And he was tormented and tormented, he was not happy.

People say correctly that you need to love yourself, and if you work, then for the soul (so that you have strength left for love pleasures, for candlelit dinners), if you have an outfit, then the most fashionable (don’t skimp on yourself!). Regular visits to beauty salons are important, and let him provide all this, and not lie on the couch. There is no need to shoulder all the responsibility, then he will have neither time nor energy left for his mistresses. But I realized this only now.

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