When I found out about my husband's infidelity, I didn't get a divorce right away.

When I found out about my husband's infidelity, I didn't get a divorce right away.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents tell everyone they know how lucky I got outget married andfriends are jealous. I used to think so too, until I found out thatI have a husbandmistress _ I found out by chance because heThe attitude towards children has not changed at all.

At first there was shock and resentment. Then I started thinking about what to do. Divorcing and moving in with parents with two children (12 and 14 years old) is not an option. It is also very difficult to tolerate such an attitude, and I decided not to tell anyone anything yet. Maybe it's a passing hobby that's not worth ruining your life over.life .

But my attitude towards him changed dramatically. My husband became a stranger to me, I began to notice all his shortcomings, which I had somehow not paid attention to before. He makes good money, and I decided to take advantage of it. She asked for money for various needs and saved it. Feeling guilty, he never refused. In five years, I have saved a decent amount, not counting the fact that I have gold jewelry, clothes, and a car. Eldest daughterMy husband pays for the tuition. And now I told my husband, test-antibiotic.com that I am applying fordivorce . He's in shock now.

I told him that all this time I knew about his betrayal, and now I’m leaving, I even told him why I didn’t get divorced earlier. Instead of apologizing and admitting his guilt, my husband began to insult me, saying that I was a mercantile person who used his money. But now I don't care. I will not be left without housing, since the apartment was bought during marriage, and I also have a tidy sum in the bank. And I don’t work for pennies, although the position is small, I’m happy with the salary. And now he has the opportunity to live with his mistress without hiding.

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