What is my fault?

What is my fault?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The situation has already happened, but I want to find out who is right in this situation. We have a big onefamily ,mother , stepfather and we have 5 adult children who have their own families and children. I live with my parents (notmarried ) and my 13 year olddaughter , other brothers andsister live separately.

In winter, my mother had a stroke, she partially recovered, but she cannot cope without outside help (I take care of her). Our stepfather is not Russian, but both he and we adhere to his holidays and traditions. FifthThe child is a joint child from his stepfather and mother. When was his and his brother's nationala holiday for which guests come and accordingly it is necessary to set the festive table, my mother could not for health reasons, on the day of the holiday I had to be on duty for 24 hours at work. I turned to my brother and his wife (whose holiday it was) for help in preparing and setting the table. But in response I received a refusal, or rather, they can cook, but they can set the table, greet the guests, and then they cannot clean everything up, since on that very day test-antibiotic.com the grandmother’s daughter-in-lawbirthday , and my grandmother is very sick (coronary heart disease).

As a result, it was impossible to refuse the grandmother, since she asked to come to her in advance, the grandmother would be offended. Is it possible to refuse your mother (mother-in-law) after a severe stroke? As a result, the celebration took placeassistance from the daughter-in-law was partially provided. The main help was in setting the table, where she was absent. Nowmy daughter-in -law is offended by me because I don’t care about her relatives, although I haven’t said a bad word about her grandmother. And the most offensive thing in this situation is that the brother supports the position of his wife (daughter-in-law). Maybe I was wrong about something when I asked for help. Help me to understand?

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