My family doesn't take me into account at all

My family doesn't take me into account at all
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It seems that my family no longer needs me. They were always more interested in my sister’s life, they were more interested in her problems, they did not prohibit anything. They didn’t really listen to my opinion - I’m the youngest, which means I’m green and don’t understand life.

About 10 years agothe sister brought a man into the house. She did not want to live with his mother and sister. He began to live in our regime - he works for six months, sits at home at the computer for a year.

My sister was stressed out at work,Mom sells at the market, dad also tries to sell, I have been working since I was 18 years old. Mom cooked for everyone and I swear that she never reproached him with a piece of food. There were constant reproaches from him - my mother cooks poorly, the house is dirty, we eat unhealthy. Once, in front of my sister and I, he made an unflattering comment about my mother’s appearance. My sister swallowed. I went to my mother in the evening and asked to talk to them about moving out and living separately. To feel what life is like. But my mother refused, citing the fact that she was doing everything for her sister’s happiness. Time passed, they decided to have a child. He wanted a daughter, because... from his first marriage he hasson _ Well, she became pregnant with a daughter - he found someone else and left. They divorced, awarded him alimony, a handout, but he doesn’t have a permanent job.

More than two years have passed since then. But all the topics in the house are only about him and his family. Family dinner? Let's talk about our ex-son-in-law and his family? I brought the guy to meet him - they immediately compared him, right in front of him, with his former son-in-law. And not a day goes by without his mother and sister harping on him. My sister became withdrawn and became depressed. She lives only for the sake of her child and has given up on herself. Mom sits with her granddaughter. Dad spends whole days in a separate room.

They stopped communicating with me at home. I don’t want to talk about my ex-son-in-law. I started receiving phrases like “Where are you going to give birth? Do you want your mom to completely die? Oh, give birth, there will be another Sunday dad. No, wait until the little one grows up, why not add another doll to the house! There are no normal men now, get ready to raise a child alone.” Not everything is going smoothly with my boyfriend, and when they constantly remind me that I won’t have a family, I don’t believe it, or rather, I try not to believe it, but it’s pressing.

I thought about moving, but now I see my boyfriend very rarely, once every two or three weeks, he works seven days a week, and I have developed unhealthy fleeting desires. I'm afraid that if I move out, they will defeat me and they will only miss me at work. Although I know that in reality these are just bad moments, and in fact I want to live. But at such moments I need to be distracted - I usually spend time with my nephew. Whenthe family sees my tear-stained face, then it begins: “What are you missing in your life? There is a job, there is a car, everyone is alive and well. Do many people know what they are ready for for this? And what doesn’t work out with the guys - so what! You’ll give birth to a child later and that’s it,” I know that this is most likely true, because in relations I’m a complete zero, at 26 years old I’m still a virgin, not because I’m unclaimed or ugly, but because, that I am doomed to failure in advance andI don’t even want to start a relationship . I started with this - but even here it’s completely empty, we’ve been communicating for two years, but there’s no point.

He has a quirk that I’m saving myself for “after the wedding,” and I’m just embarrassed to admit it. Yeah of course. I just didn't need it anymore. Even with him. With the attitude “there are no normal men, you’ll be raising a child alone, and anyway, why do you need this, he’s good for now, and then we’ll see, they’re all bastards” - you won’t go far. Even in relation toI say offensive words to my boyfriend , like “I’ll support you or something” or “I’ll manage without you.” Self-loathing at such moments, or rather after them. Looks like it's time to start getting cats.

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