The virtual groom turned out to be a gigolo

The virtual groom turned out to be a gigolo
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In the winter I broke up with a guy with whom I had lived for several years in a civil marriage, as they call it beautifully. We broke up because of his addiction to alcohol.

Actually, that’s why I never decided to registerrelationship officially, doubted this trait of his, which was increasingly manifested. And when he was drunk, he behaved like a pig, disgraced me and himself in the company of friends, when he liked to aggressively quarrel under the influence of the green snake, then later even sober and adequate began to irritate me. It was scary to think what would happen to him if he wasn’t 30 years old, and he was already acting so weird, repenting less and less after drinking and justifying his behavior with the words “it doesn’t happen to anyone.” As a result, after numerous chances to correct mylove for him and our relationship came to naught. He blackmailed me a little, saying that without me he would get drunk to spite everyone, but I decided thatI have only one life to spend on being almost an alcoholic.

Having become a lonely girl, I got bored. I had free time in the evenings, and since I had no one to go out and walk with (my friends andfriends became family people), then I registered in one of the chat rooms on the network. I wanted simple communication, pen pals. She quickly acquired virtual friends and girlfriends. And then one day one caught my attentionThe guy, with his communication, seemed to be deliberately making everyone emotional, but without being rude, he was just pretending to be a weirdo. I supported his humorous banter, and he appreciated it. When I came in the next day, I saw him again, he was waiting for me, and we became friends.

We turned out to be the same age. He told me that he left himthe girl with whom he lived for a year and that no one else needed him, moved back to his parents and lives with them for several months with absolutely no personal life. I also told my story of separation. The more I got to know him, the more I wondered why he was lonely and worried about it. He worked at a good factory as an engineer, was quite handsome in appearance, was involved in weightlifting and even went to competitions. In addition, he had an excellent understanding of electrics and cars, disappeared into the garage and loved like a realAn engineer tinkers with technology and invents ways to use it productively. All his stories were not unfounded, we communicated via video conference, showed me medals for weightlifting in his room, showed me in the garage that he had come up with something new, showed me what he was doing at work.

What really captivated me about him was his honesty and openness; he talked about himself without embellishment. We agreed on many things, we loved the same genre of music, we had similar memories of our childhood, views on life, and tastes in food. He was a little ashamed of his town in the Moscow region, from which many left closer to Moscow, and many lived like gopniks, drinking themselves to death at penniless jobs. A town where, according to him, it is not so pleasant to walk in the evening. When asked why the girl left him, he replied that their relationship had deteriorated, they often quarreled, and in the end she decided to kick him out. He said that she dreamed of moving to Moscow, to a big city, but he valued his work, where career growth awaited him, and in Moscow there was no basis for moving. also named the reason for his loneliness as the fact that for local girls he does not have his own home and is not as rich as they would like. After all, Moscow is nearby and those suitors are more attractive to girls dreaming of metropolitan life.

I respected him as a man who clearly knows what he is striving for. He said that he would still work at the factory and would take out a mortgage on favorable terms. I admired him, how much energy he had for both work andsports , you have your own opinion on everything, you have your own tastes and preferences in everything. He did not hide his desire to find a girl, complaining that I lived far away. And one bad evening he admitted that a girl from his city had met him and they wanted to meet. I twitched all evening, couldn’t think about anything else but him and that girl. Pictures of their meeting, laughter, and glances were painted in my head. I envied her, I was jealous of him. Going online, he talked about their meeting and said that the impression was still mixed. I was glad that he didn’t fall in love with that girl.

We communicatedevery day ,communication had already begun to interfere with my work, I had to hide my phone so that my boss wouldn’t decide that I was completely insolent. That girl began to write to him more persistently and admitted that when she met, she really liked him. One day he started a conversation about whether I could move to another city and change my life. I understood that the questions were not without reason, but I answered that I could if there was a reason. It was as if something was constantly bothering him. But then he said that he decided to try a relationship with that girl and left the network. I cried all evening, feeling sorry for myself that mythe man will go to someone else just because she is nearby. The next morning I received a bunch of messages from him, he asked for forgiveness, said that he changed his mind about dating that girl as soon as he told her about it, that he felt like a fool, did not sleep all night from worries about how he offended me and fear that I wouldn’t want to communicate more. And for the first time he wrote that he had completely unfriendly feelings towards me. I posted a photo of myself with terrible circles under my eyes and a gray complexion as proof of a sleepless night. I smiled, immediately melted and was glad that our emotions were mutual.

After confessing our feelings for each other, our communication took on completely different colors. We chatted all night long, even dedicating poems of our own to each other. There was spring in the city and in my soul. He told me that he was afraid of not loving anyone more, and of remaining lonely, but I inspired him again. We agreed to meet at the end of the summer, we had just taken a vacation during this time and he was supposed to come to my city. We dreamed of meeting, discussed everything down to the smallest detail, where we would go, where we would take a walk. We were already talking about the fact that I would move in with him, since his job was more lucrative and more promising. What will help me get comfortable in his town and the main thing is that we will be together. We are not teenagers and will not stretch the rubber of long-distance relationships.

I began to actively prepare for our meeting. Work out harder in the gym, walk more, eat healthier. I wanted to become even more beautiful, slimmer. In the evenings, face masks and hair masks. I visited an expensive hairdresser. I bought several bright and fashionable things, beautiful new underwear. When we met, I wanted to charm him and make him fall in love even more, so that there would not be a single doubt. Further more! I took paid courses to have more knowledge and advantages when looking for a job in his town.

He, too, did not sit still, changed his haircut, dressed up, showing off to me his new clothes for the summer. He talked to my father about working for me and said that we would definitely come up with something and we wouldn’t lose it. If anything, he will work for now and give him the opportunity to look around. I felt happy on the eve of a relationship with a guy I could only dream of, whom I loved and was ready to accept any shortcomings that would definitely emerge in reality. But 2 months before the expected meeting, something changed between us. I felt this change keenly. She couldn’t restrain herself when she asked what was the matter, why he became aloof. He convinced me that it seemed to me that I was mistaken. But you can’t fool a woman’s instincts, and I was completely depressed by the bad thoughts that I was losing his interest. Sometimes he became his old self, called and spoke tenderly to me, cooed, said that he would like to see each other soon. He insisted that he couldn’t live with virtual communication for long and wanted to move into reality as soon as possible, which is why it seems to me that there was less enthusiasm. I grabbed onto this idea that yes, he would really see me and would no longer be able to resist.

There were literally a couple of weeks left before our meeting, and my level of excitement was growing. During the course there was an exam on what I had learned, during a break I went online and he immediately wrote to me. He hesitated, wrote some nonsense, and then said: “You know, after the competition in Podolsk, a nurse found me on the Internet, she was there during the competition, we talked a little.” I immediately became wary, sensing something was wrong. He wrote that she suggested meeting, and what do I think about this? My heart sank, it became hot and unpleasant. She asked: “Are you kidding me? Why are you asking this?". And then it began. At first he said that he had already met with her, we just walked. Then, in the evening, when I began to get nervous and angry, finished me off by the fact that 2 months ago they began to correspond. I said that I felt the changes, but you remained silent! He replied that he didn’t want to lose me and didn’t know what to do. That I’m dear too, but I also liked her and she’s nearby. With completely disheveled feelings, I told him that I was very mistaken about him and idealized his personal qualities as a person, and he was no better than others. This hurt him and, out of emotion, he already stated that he and that girl had been sleeping together for more than a month, and he moved to live with her, since she has her ownapartment . And he introduced her to her parents before moving to live with her.

I was crushed. It really upset me that he treated me so rudely, crossing the line so quickly, deceiving me, knowing how much I was looking forward to our meeting. All dreams, all love is ashes. Then he also posted a photo with the girl. I imagined a certain nymph in a white robe, a nurse. In fact, the girl turned out to be unattractive in person, if not completely unattractive. Potato nose, small narrow eyes, thin lips, snaggle-toothed smile.

He had the audacity to insist on our friendly communication, assuring that he did not want to lose me as a person, I was so close in interests to him. And although I suffered, I got very used to the fact that he was always in touch. Even when communicating with friends, I missed communicating with him, and I wondered how he was. But this periodic communication was difficult for me. Moreover, having thrown off the burden of lies, he again became nice and attentive, wrote to me every day, avoiding only personal topics. Then he completely relaxed and began to tell me what kind of house his parents have.girls , a real “castle” in the Moscow region, that he has enough money and is still accumulating, not like with his ex. His girlfriend works, and her dad regularly sends her a cardmoney . He whined to me that he now has a long way to get to work from Moscow. I found myself a vest. I got tired of it, and I almost stopped visiting online. And why, if the person is not the same at all.

How could I have been so wrong? Did I really communicate every day for six months with a gigolo, who was delighted at the opportunity to not take out a mortgage and save his own money with a rich bride? After all, according to him, when he confessed everything, he fell in love with her immediately. But why did you have to hold me back, lie to me, choose between us, write me pleasant words of tenderness and love? If you fell in love with a girl and she doesn’t mind, you get to know each other’s parents, live together, then it was logical to immediately put all the dots right after that competition. How do you think?

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