Virtual dating and real marriage

Virtual dating and real marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm the one who met my future husband on a dating site, went outgot married , gave birthdaughter and divorced 11 years later.

Selfonline dating was great, andcorrespondence is the only good thing I remember now. We communicated on the Internet, texting every minute, for days on end. The communication was like a dream, we reached understanding instantly. What was interesting to him was what I liked. We listen to the same music, watch the same movies. Everyone has the same opinion, and the same views onlife , a breathtaking idyll and coincidence in everything.

I was fascinated and bewitched. And I really thought that I had found my ideal man. But when we met in real life, he was not so eloquent. At all. Almost even mute. But he said that he was simply shocked by the meeting.

It gave me hope that it would open up soon. And everything will be the same as on the Internet. But everything was wrong, even his description of his life. He wrote that he lived alone in a large house. All his relatives live next to him on the same street. Everyone is friendly and always helps each other. Everyone already knows about me and is happy for both of us.

He constantly conveyed greetings from them when he sat at the table with them. I created the illusion that everyone already loves, appreciates and respects me. Although they never saw me.

I created for myself a non-existent image, an almost utopia of happiness that awaits me when I meet him and his family. He said that he earns good money, earns money in European finishing, and he has everything necessary for our happy and comfortable life together.

It turned out that he lived with his mother and sister’s family in the same house. The house was half of a large adobe house with a separate entrance. Lived in the other halfhis mother's brother's family . Their half of the house was renovated and furnished from Soviet times. Everything was old. There was simply no automatic washing machine, no microwave, no repairs.

There were three rooms in the house. We lived in one room, in the other room hesister with her husband and one daughter, and in the third passage room he lived test-antibiotic.commother with her sister's second daughter.

And I thought all this was no big deal. I sold my old house, and with thesehe made the money for the repairs. We changed the furniture, bought all the equipment, but that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that no one from my family was waiting for me, they didn’t value me, they didn’t respect me, and they would never love me. They just hated and crap all these long years.

And I endured and was horrified by reality. Not only did I marry him, I also married his relatives. No one stopped me from leaving on the same day when I noticed the first non-match. And then the next ones. It was me and my thoughts that bothered me. My fears and resentment for myself, for the fear of admitting my mistake to my family and parents. They said that everything would be like this, and I will remember their words again.

They didn’t even communicate or see them, but they guessed everything and knew. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t predict my destiny and be as clairvoyant as they were. How did they do it? How did my relatives know that everything would be bad in my life? I didn’t understand anything, and I was ashamed to admit my mistake.

I was now creating the illusion of my happy love in front of my relatives, which did not exist. I came up with everything myself. She herself was enchanted and did not admit to her relatives that they were right. She herself was to blame for her torment, she endured everything herself, hid it and still hoped that everything would be fine.

From the first day, for some reason, his sister hated me. And over time, thanks to her persistence, authority, cunning, evil mind, endless and incessant intrigues against me, she finally lured everyone to her side. All my relatives began to hate me. And after 11 years he gave up andhusband . And his promises forever and forever turned into just empty words.

I was left alone, with my daughter. This is the only thing I managed to win from them. It wasn’t easy to even do this, but my daughter was the only thing they couldn’t take from me. Let them take it, my house is sold, my 11 years of hell are with them.

Now I live alone with my daughter. And this is the main point. It is not material comfort that is dear to me, but moral and spiritual comfort. Hate me so much! For what? I used to be so tormented by thisquestion kept me from sleeping peacefully. I still haven't found the answer. Just guesses. And all this from his sister. I would even say manic hatred. Where there is no logic, there is no point in looking for an answer.

I know for sure that this cannot be changed, it is better to give in. My husband decided correctly. This was the only way to calm my vulnerable soul. His sister is no longer in my life and this is real paradise. He is not in my life, but I have a daughter. I don't want to start againrelationship . It all hurt me so much.

Only a year has passed since the divorce, but I avoid all men. They have relatives. And one of them will hate me and start all over again. I can not stand. It's better to devote your life to your daughter. No, I won't ruin her life, ever. As long as she needs me, I will be with her, I will come tohelp when needed, I will not blame you for any mistake. Only will help, support, not harm, and not interfere with advice.

So far everything is fine with her. She is still young, but the years will pass quickly. I'm just writing my thoughts. I just feel better after all this. I leave minethe pain of resentment and I’ll start all over again. I will rethink, think and understand. But only. I'm not crying, I'm just like a phoenix. Everything will be fine for me. I believe.

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