Married a man with a child

Married a man with a child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftmarried to a man with a child. The boy is 13 years old and he has cerebral palsy, he can’t walk, he’s covered in saliva. We live in another country and mya husband who loves his child very much, a Sunday dad. He also fully supports his child and ex-wife, which means we have to tighten our belts on our budget. This boy, who, by the way, studies in a regular school, since his brain is not completely damaged, is served by everyone, and he does absolutely nothing. I can’t go to the toilet on my own or move around, although I have a stroller. Hishis family makes him even more disabled.

The boy, incited by his mother’s family, can’t stand me, either I didn’t cook for him, I didn’t serve him, I didn’t serve him something that he can pick up himself, etc. He doesn't answer when I contact him. I'm trying to get pregnant, I had an attempt at IVF, which was unsuccessful, and I'm having a hard time with it. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the husband wants to return to the country wheremy son lives, he wants us to buy a joint apartment and his son would live with us two weeks a month.

I just can't stand it. Should I not buy a shared apartment with him? Should I buy one separately in the same city and live for those two weeks on my own, while he is without the child, with him? I understand that otherwise I will leave him, I will not be able to live with his sick child.

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