In love with a friend

In love with a friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Don’t think about it, I’m not a lesbian – I deliberately came up with a provocative name. Were in my liferelationships with men, guys I fell in love with, dated, and was jealous of. But I have no one more dear to meSvetochka's friends . Now I am 22, and she is 24 years old, and we have been friends since childhood, for more than 10 years. I understand that this is some kind of strangefriendship on my part. Because I simply cannot live without Svetlana. I study at a university, I naturally communicate with many people, but they don’t bother me, I’ll talk to them and that’s it, and if I don’t see Sveta, I’ll just go crazy. I even eliminated my contact so that nothing would prevent me from communicating only with her.

Sveta is precisely my friend, and I repeat, I cannot live without her. I can't hear if she communicates with anyone other than me, even with her own classmates. And I once simply pushed her friend Lilya out of the apartment because I could no longer stand their conversation.
I want to go anywhere with her and only her. One day, four of us went to Kyiv with some classmates just to see the city. The whole trip I thought only about one thing, that my Sveta communicates not only with me, but with them too. Moreover, I’m not jealous of Svetochka’s guys and it happens that we have a great time hanging out in two couples with guys or three of us, i.e. with my or her boyfriend.

In the summer mya friend was leaving for Crimea for a week with two girls she knew, so I cried all week and couldn’t do anything. And also on the last oneNew Year , which I managed to celebrate in a purely girlish company, I almost staged a massacre for the right to communicate with Sveta alone. Every time I tell myself that this will not happen again, that there is nothing terrible if Sveta talks or is friends with someone else besides me and, every time, I am ready to break up the other one with whom she communicates.

We feel very good together. We really have hundreds of common, interesting topics. We recently discussed a sugar substitute at - and we both found it interesting! We find something to do and really understand each other inside and out. We went on tourist trips together several times, and that was the mosthappiness in my life.

Sometimes I wish something would happen to her that I and only I could help her with. I'm ready to do anything in the world for her.

This is what I haveconfession _ I'm afraid thatlife may somehow turn out in such a way that we won’t have to see each other. I don’t know how I can live then. Perhaps it’s bad to depend so much on one person?

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