The grandson was disappointed in girls and now does not want to get married

The grandson was disappointed in girls and now does not want to get married
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I raised my grandson from the age of 3 months on my own, alone. Daughter came outmarried a second time, and he turned out to be an alcoholic. My grandson called me, but not only called me, but always considered me mom. We were not only with himmom andson , but also great friends. Everything that needed to be said or consulted, even about what we would eat this evening or for lunch. And now this also continues, both neighbors and at work everyone says that he is a wonderful son, employee and friend.

But then one day he brought a girl into the house (he was 23 years old and she was 19 years old) and said that most likely there would be a wedding on New Year’s Day . I was happy, I think finally the assistant is here, but I didn’t tell them anything. There was no wedding on New Year's Day. This girl turned out to be selfish, she told her son that his car was bad (Toyota) and that he himself was poor (although he picked her up from work every evening and took her to a restaurant for dinner). She said that she would not marry him.

He was very worried when she said that, but naturally he asked for advice on what to do next. I told him that maybe she was testing him. She said, invite me somewhere in a relaxed atmosphere. He phoned her and she agreed. I was so happy, I thought my assumptions were confirmed. I saw from my son that he needed her. Apparently, he also had a glimmer of hope, but he arrived with nothing. She answered him the same thing, but also added that when she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she can then go out with him.

And after that, my son completely changed. He stopped telling me where he went, for how long, with whom, and I don’t know anything about him now. He let his beard grow. It looks absolutely amazing. Handsome! He would like some girl, but he tells me thatThe question is closed until the age of 27-28. There are no good girls now, and I don’t need frivolous girls.

I don't know how to help him. He now spends his whole nights in nightclubs. I say that there are no good girls in nightclubs. He answers that he knows, wait for until you are 27 years old. How to help my son. How? Maybe someone had an identical story? Tell us how you dealt with this situation?

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