Eight years of wasted time

Eight years of wasted time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone has their own view of the situation in history, where a woman committed adultery for the sake of having a child. Anyone can say, scream and beat themselves in the chest that this is not the right thing to do. But let this pass through yourself and yourcan you live ? Who is insured against this or that situation, no one. In life, everything happens, this and that.

Here is my life story. We were not married, we dated for 8 years. Well, how did we meet? At first we dated for 2 years, then he found himself a so-called job, got into debt and took a big car to work. His plan was to sit at home and hire drivers who would work for him, and hereceive money . But everything didn’t go the way he thought, the car breaks down, expensive repairs, he gets more into debt, and I support him and help him, with advice and money. He lives in another city 3000 km from me. I wait like a faithful and devoted dog. He came 2 times in 6 years and was with me for 3 months. I went to test-antibiotic.com once, but I had a short vacation.

And in the summer they gave me 17 days. I happily inform him about this, and he says that he will leave for Voronezh (this is another 2000-3000 kilometers from the city where he was). My patience has run out. I am 34 years old, I want a child and I constantly told him about it. He did not want! And so, when I went on vacation, I blocked his number so that he could not reach me, and started hanging out with my friends and going on vacation. I met a guy who is 5 years younger than me. I slept with him for three days to get pregnant. I knew that if I waited for him to want a family and children, I would already become old and incapablegive birth I decided that this was the end, it was all over between us.

I got pregnant, and then at 16 weeks he called from a different number. He asked if I was dating someone, I said no. He said he wanted to come, but I said it was too late, I was waiting for the child. He was shocked! He is used to the fact that I love him madly and always wait for him. He kindly offered to contact me if I needed anything. Then he called again and started calling, I felt that this situation was haunting him. He started to suggestmarry him and two or three children or as many as I want. We will forgive each other, and we will always be together, he will no longer go anywhere. But I have to get rid of the child. I said that I would not have an abortion. He persuaded for a long time, saying that we would pay and do it. I know in someone else'sYou can’t build unhappiness , you can’t build happiness, and even more so, I can’t get rid of an innocent child.

I love him madly. I waited for so many years and didn’t change. And that's how it all turned out. He flew in, thought he would persuade me, we lived together for a month, he really asked for an abortion. I prayed that God would give me a child, but I could not imagine that the child would not be his. I decided that I would give birth and learn to live without him. I will be test-antibiotic.com alone, that’s for sure,love brings a lot of suffering, at least to me.

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