This is how to negotiate with relatives

This is how to negotiate with relatives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am already 61 years old. My sister is four years older. A quarter of a century ago, when I stood upthe question of inheritance of housing, we agreed that a three-roomour parents' apartment (city center, high-rise building with elevator) will go to her. She hasa daughter of marriageable age and close to her husband's work. I will look after our grandmother and inherit her two-room apartment in a post-war building.

That's how it all happened. My sister gave it away.married my daughter and babysat my grandson. I buried my grandmother and gradually brought her apartment to mind. In fact, I did a major overhaul with the replacement of communications in the entire riser. Autonomous automatic heating, water heating too, stabilized voltage, household appliances if not premium, then simply good. Live and enjoy.

About seven years ago I met a woman from the regional center and moved in with her. A few months later mysister and her husband. They asked to live in my apartment. Their daughter , they said, was pregnant again. Let the four of them live in a three-room apartment, and they would live with me for now. And then they would sell the dacha, the garage, one of the cars and buy themselves an apartment.

I agreed. They moved. I lived in the primaks as long as I could, and then about a year and a half ago we broke up. I came back to my place. My sister and her husband have settled in and don't want to move out. And they can't. Her husband is almost 70, he's sick. Besides, my daughter's place is cramped without them. No one has bought a dacha with a car and a garage, and the prices these days are such that they won't be enough for an apartment.

My sister asked me if I would agree to live at the dacha. The house is small, but it is made of stone. They will give me a car to drive. The garage is also at my disposal. What can I say to that? I am used to loneliness, I am friends with cars, I value my relatives. I started living at the dacha. But notLife is a struggle for existence.

The house is a concrete booth of 12 square meters with a potbelly stove and water from a well. The toilet is outside. I go to my apartment (or to my sister's) to wash myself. If the old Zhiguli starts up. I go to the store across the entire village, and what kind of store is that? A stall for local alcoholics. It is unclear what to do next. I can't throw my sister out, that would be bad. And where to?

Her daughter replaced herhusband , and now they are thinking about having another child, already the third. I don’t have the strength to live in this dacha, to fix the old car. I’m so tired of it all. I’d like to rent a decent place to live, but I have no money. I don’t know what to do.

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