All the non-drinking men are already taken

All the non-drinking men are already taken
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a lot of confessions on this site and decided to publish my own. My name is Katya, I am 28 years old. Even from school, she was not offended by the attention of the guys. Firstthe guy was 8 years older than me and very well off. I knew him wellmy mother said that behind him I would be like behind a stone wall. The relationship was without intimacy, he said that when we get married, then everything will be. This relationship continued for over 3 years.

When I graduated from the 9th grade of school, I decided to enter a technical school. During my studies, I matured and decided that I did not like him and offered to remain friends. My mother was very upset, but she said: do as you like, do it.

A month before graduating from college, I got in touch with a bad company, and I liked one guy there. We started dating. Everyone in the company drank heavily, I started too, but when I woke up one morning I realized that I was doing something wrong. I didn’t break up with the guy, but now we were mostly at home and tried not to drink.

In, I got pregnant in the near future, and after graduating from college, we got married. I entered the university as a part-time student, waiting for the birth of a baby. I really wanted a child, and when I found out that I was pregnant, I was terribly happy. As is my mom. But the mother-in-law advised to have an abortion, but I stopped these conversations in the bud.

I worked literally until the birth. I didn’t do an ultrasound, because I knew that I would have a girl, Olga. The birth was very difficult, but more on that another time.

Time flew by and the mother-in-law, who screamed about the abortion, fell in love with her granddaughter very much. My husband quit his job and started drinking, and I fully provided for him, from clothes to food. He evenhe stole money from my bag - that's how we lived. I can’t say that I was good: I had lovers, but no one knew about it.

One day I decided to get a divorce. My mother and I changed apartments and moved to another place. She allowed her mother-in-law to see her granddaughter, but at one fine moment she began to set updaughter against me (“Don’t do what mom says is wrong” and the like). I cursed, screamed, but, in the end, I forgave - and everything was repeated. Thank God, now that Olga is 10 years old, she herself understands everything and says that “No, grandmother, you are not right.” Protects and supports me in every possible way.

When my daughter was 8 years old, she began to ask: “Mom, why do other children have normal dads, but I have a drinker?” I said, “Because I traded a normal guy fora love that didn't even last a year. But you can thank dad for the fact that I have you, if it were different, you weren’t there. ”

I don't want to say thatMy husband is really bad. As a person, he is very good, but without material support it was hard to feed both him and the child. For 10 years, the father of his daughter gave one chocolate bar. He said: "If there is money, I will give it more." But where does the alcoholic get the money...

I tried to get together to live with someone, but all the men either drank or did not work. It is very difficult to find a normal man in our time - they are all busy. There is much more to say, but next time. Thanks to everyone who reads my life story and expresses their opinion.

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