Meeting after 30 years

Meeting after 30 years
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story that happened to me is simply similar to the story wherewife doesn't want to live out her lifelife with a boring husband. Only I was 55 years old.

Once upon a time there wasLove . Without a bed, of course. Romance. We dated for 5 years. They studied, then his army was waiting for him. He came and made an offer. But it turned out that heMom wants to marry the eldest first. And the eldest is already married, but hides it from his mother (there were reasons for this). Dead end.

She got angry and accepted the offer from the first one who came along. She lived with him for 30 years. Like the author, we lived automatically. I always, all my life, remembered that first love. Rare, but that makes even happier meetings. And then this one appearedInternet . “I made friends with him” with only one goal: what if I met him on the vastness of this very Internet? I met you.

Who can I tell about the feelings that were pounding my temples with millions of sparks? Who would believe that at this age this is possible? I watched myself from the outside and wondered, is it me? We talked on the phone. The Internet did not recognize the object of love; he had an ordinary mobile phone. So it was impossible to see each other. In different parts of the planet. But they spoke as if there had been no 30 years of separation.

I have three children and grandchildren. He has five daughters (funny: he dreamed of a daughter and a boys soccer team). All adults, established business, good condition. But, having given away one of the daughtersmarried , began to take care of his son-in-law so generously that the rest of the household rebelled, and the scythe found a stone. The family was falling apart. Squabbles throughout the city. And then I showed up like this.

I don’t complain about life either, but I told him that life is so-so. He promised to make me rich, only to drop everything and come. I've arrived. Not alone, with her sons. It was necessary to show them Russia at some point. And here is such an opportunity for something pleasant and useful.

Oh, you should have seen with what interest my adult sons looked at the Volga that had come to pick us up! Well, he's kind of a retro guy. Yeah! Now I look at him, well, it’s clear that years are not beautiful for anyone. But he was a handsome man, a hero, and now what happened to him? As tall as me. Was really like that? My sons are head and shoulders above him. But they look with respect. Thank you, of course. But mymy husband is no worse.

The eldest asked to drive. He decided to make a joke on me. The younger one averts his eyes so as not to read his thoughts. It's funny to him. Well, in general, I asked him to take him straight from the plane to the railway station, said that they called my mother and she was waiting, and that I would definitely come as soon as I sent my sons home.
But she and her children went home.

Sometimes we call each other, but somehow the feelings have disappeared somewhere. It's funny to remember now. The husband pretends to have forgotten and has become much more attentive. In general, they say correctly that you cannot enter the same water twice. Everyone knows this, but everyone wants to test this truth for themselves.

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