Meeting a former classmate changed my life

Meeting a former classmate changed my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My firstLove's name was Andrey and we studied in the same class. Histhe family moved to live in our area, and he came to our school in the seventh grade. I liked him immediately, and not only me. All my classmates, each in their own way, tried to attract his attention.

But he treated everyone the same, he just pretended not to notice it. Already in high school myThe friends started dating guys and they no longer paid attention to Andrey. Everyone but me. I thought only about him all the time and did not notice the advances of other guys. I didn’t need anyone except Andrey.

I would leave the school disco if he wasn't there. I thought with horror that after finishing school I would no longer be able to see him. And now such a day has come. I decided for myself that at the graduation party I would tell him everything.

But he constantly danced with girls from parallel classes and did not pay attention to me at all. So after that we never saw each other again. Each of us went on to study further, but the class meeting five years later, as agreed, did not take place. Everyone was busy with their own business.

In my last year of college, I met a guy. When he proposed to me, I did not immediately agree. I still couldn'tforget Andrey, although I never saw him after school. It was very difficult for me at that time also because I got sick.Mother . At first we took the oncologist's diagnosis as a death sentence. But then there was hope that modern treatment technologies would give a positive result.

Eleven years have passed, now II am married and I have two daughters. With husbandThe relationship didn’t work out right away, but with the birth of children everything fell into place and I almost don’t remember my school love. And recently I met Andrey in a supermarket. He was with his wife, and I didn’t recognize him right away until he spoke to me first. He was already baldingthe man with the beer belly and nothing resembled the guy for whom I suffered so much.

They began to remember school and classmates. And he, laughing, said: “Do you remember how you didn’t notice anyone but me at school?” I felt very unpleasant, especially since hiswife _ And I, citing being busy, hurried to leave. This meeting changed a lot in my life. I began to look at my friend differentlyhusband , always attentive, caring with a sense of humor. And I finally realized that I was happy.

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