I want to get a divorce, but I'm afraid that my husband will take the child

I want to get a divorce, but I'm afraid that my husband will take the child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old. At the age of 17, I started living with a guy who was 6 years older than me. At first everything was fine. I liked him immediately. He's an athlete, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, makes good money. This fairy tale lasted 2 years. I have learned thatpregnant​ And then it began. He quitsports , started drinking, and was mired in debt, which I later learned about from friends. We had practically no intimacy. I tried to talk to him, but it was useless. No one helped me with the child, neither he nor hisMother . I did everything myself. He stopped working, explaining that he haddepression . There was no money. I had to get up at 2 a.m. and run around baking pies at my neighbor’s until 7 a.m., for 300 rubles. And then the whole day with the child.

ByeMy daughter slept during the day, I did chores around the house. It was like this for six months. In the end, I decided to apply fordivorce . She went to stay with her mother, and he immediately became an ideal husband and father. During the three months of separation, he test-antibiotic.com behaved perfectly, and I returned to him. But a month later, everything became the same. He started drinking more, humiliating me, saying that if I left, he would take my daughter and simply kill me. My mother-in-law is always on his side, she doesn’t even listen to me. They say it's outget married , sit here. It doesn’t even matter that he sends me outside into the cold in shorts. He just likes it. The most annoying thing is that in front of everyone he is just lovely and no one believes me that he behaves like this with me at home. Everyone thinks I'm making it up. What should I do? Am I afraid for my daughter? I want a divorce, but I'm afraid he will do something. Help with advice. I just can’t be with him anymore, and I’m very afraid of him.

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