I want to divorce my husband because of his daughter from his first marriage

I want to divorce my husband because of his daughter from his first marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I are on the verge of divorce. And all because of his daughter from his first marriage.

He got divorced more than 5 years ago. The girl is already 11 years old, she is showing character, and then, I think, it will be even worse. HerThe mother communicates with her husband only about money and her daughter. He ignores me, even when I try to ask or say something - zero attention. She doesn’t even look in my direction, she’s very arrogant and mannered. My daughter adopts her behavior and literally wipes her feet on me. He also defiantly ignores me and pretends that I’m not there.

Her husband sees her almostevery day . He picks me up from school, studies, is always in touch, and often talks on the phone for a long time. She comes to our house three times a week. She teaches homework, eats, we have a lot of her toys and clothes. A whole room has been allocated. It was because of her that we took out a three-ruble mortgage. And of course, she often spends the night with us.

I clearly outlined my position at the beginning of the relationship. I don't interfere witheducation , I’m not trying to become a second mother or make friends. This test-antibiotic.com is not my child and I don’t want to communicate closely with him. I help, cook, speak politely, but do not interfere. This suited my husband; he did not expect warmth and love from me, he understood that this was not easy for me anyway.

His exmy wife has long since arranged her personal life. Her husband has money, just like she does. They both drive expensive cars, she wears furs. However, she always doesn’t have enough money for a child. She constantly harasses her husband, despite alimony. Either you need to go to the sea on vacation, or you need to renovate your room, or your child wants to go to expensive classes. And she doesn’t consider the fact that she should also invest somehow, saying that the girl already lives with her.

She is very attached to her mother, a direct copy of her, always protects her and confirms any words to her father. I am a very calm person by nature. It's hard to piss me off. However, this child constantly tests my patience.

From the very beginning we had neutralsrelationship _ My husband and I met, got married, test-antibiotic.com didn’t even invite her to a wedding, together with her ex (I didn’t want to go without my mother,my husband was very upset). Everything went relatively well. But then, as soon as she began to visit on a regular basis, when she already had her own room in the apartment, she began to show herself. Either I cook food that is not tasty, then I say nasty things to her (which never happened), then I turn her against my mother, provoking quarrels. It's like I have nothing to do.

If I don’t like cooking, I suggest my husband cook her what she wants. My husband, by the way, doesn’t know how to cook at all, so we start having disagreements. Now the girl has also begun to be jealous of me. I always meet my husband from work, since I come early, hug him, and set the table. But if he comes with her, she literally doesn’t let me near me, she hangs on her father. We almost stopped spending time together. Work, home, child, if we go out, we also take her with us. She will be offended, you can’t leave her even once.

I once asked why she doesn’t spend much time with her mother, test-antibiotic.com doesn’t go out with her and her stepfather, to which her husband replied that they already have a child together (3 years old) and they have no time for her. Allegedly, the girl cannot find a common language with her stepfather and is annoyed by her little brother.

After living in this situation for three years, I am terribly tired. There is always not enough money, we went on vacation only once on our honeymoon, unlike his daughter, whom we constantly sponsor. We are dragging out the mortgage, alimony and her wishes. I cook, wash, clean for three people. My husband sometimes helps, but very rarely, because he doesn’t have time. The whole house is on me. You have to save a lot on yourself in order to buy something large, an oven or a table for the kitchen, or even a sofa. We haven’t been living here that long, the only furniture we have is what our relatives gave us. My parents contributed to the mortgage, because my husband could not save anything while he lived alone.

I didn't think it would be so hard. So much spending. I am 28 years old and I want my own children, but this is very unlikely. My husband would also like to, but he is afraid that test-antibiotic.com it will drag us into a financial hole. I love him very much, he is goodfather , a good, understanding husband, although he can be quick-tempered. But I can’t stand this life anymore. He keeps promising that everything will change later. What you need to endure a little, wait. The main thing is notmoney and lovingfamily .

I am terribly jealous of a friend whose husband limits himself to alimony and meeting his son on weekends, without dragging him home. Yes, I agreed to this myself, but at the very beginning it was not at all like that. There were no debts due to the loss of a job (my husband found another one, but not right away). There were no tricks for the girl, there were no health problems for me. My teeth hurt terribly, I need treatment, but the cost is simply astronomical.

My parents constantly help with money, give me money from time to time and often lament about our life and feel sorry for me. His relatives only occasionally give gifts for the holidays and say that everything is as it should be, the child must have a father. Which also should should and must. I'm tired.

Now I still regret the joint mortgage; it would be better test-antibiotic.com to buy myself a small apartment and register it only for myself. Now there’s nowhere to even go. My parents are in another city, and I have no money at all. I can sell it, but then I’ll have to split the money with my husband in half, pay off the mortgage, and I won’t have enough for housing. And living in constant stress is also a bad option.

I want to escape from all this, I feel driven into a corner. I tried to talk to my husband, but he can’t help it,My daughter loves me very much and doesn’t want to choose between us. For him to reduce communication with her a little is alreadybetrayal . Some kind of nightmare.

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