I want to save my daughter from her father

I want to save my daughter from her father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I also want to share my life story.

I've been married for ten years. Two wonderful children - a boy and a girl. Everything is fine with my son, but with my daughter everything is greatProblems . She is developmentally delayed and does not study well. Has difficulty making contact. We went to doctors, teachers and went to church. But nothing helps. I’ve already thought about everything, but I don’t know what to do. The daughter just sits and draws, without reacting to anything, or picks flowers in the garden and sorts through the petals. Sings strange songs without words. Sometimes he just ignores me.

It was easier when she was little, but now sheindifference scares me. I'm just scared for her and herfuture . After all, I have to raise myself alone. My husband is constantly on business trips. Is at home occasionally. And this is no longer the same person I loved very much. He forgives children any whims. Constantly ruins my upbringing process. I instill in my children thatviolence is bad, he teaches them hand-to-hand combat techniques and other things. His daughter is a “flower” for him, and test-antibiotic.comson "bear cub". They are always small for him. In response to all my words that my daughter needs treatment, he hurls insults at me and shouts that everything is fine with the child.

I got tired of this and turned to specialists. I recently visited a family psychologist. I described our situation, and the psychologist said that mythe husband has mental problems and that the child has problems because of this. It is possible that this was transmitted at the genetic level. I remembered various situations that happened to us. ANDMy husband's reaction was always non-standard. He does not feel fear from the word at all. I have never seen him cry or be upset. He often acts like he's littlechild . Fooling around and joking. But at the same time, in an instant he can turn into a rabid beast. He knows neither pity nor compassion, either for himself or for other people. He has no friends, there have been no betrayals in 10 years. With relativesthe relationship is very bad. He was not a loved and unnecessary son. He achieved everything that test-antibiotic.com has on his own.

The psychologist advised me to talk to him about treatment. The husband flew into a rage. He swore and insulted me and the psychologist. He demanded that he stop and stop inventing problems. In the end, he got offended and went on another business trip. Now I'm thinking what should I do. Either break up with my husband so that he doesn’t have a bad influence on the children, or sit and watch how I losedaughter .

I don’t know what to do anymore. Children love their father and are drawn to him. But, as the psychologist said, living next to a psychopath is like living on a powder keg. I appreciate any advice now.

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