I want to become a teacher, but I'm afraid

I want to become a teacher, but I'm afraid
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I immediately decided to become a teacher. I really want to teach and convey information to empty and not very minds. But after reading many of the stories, I was horrified.

Teachers have virtually no respect. When students disrupt lessons, teachers are blamed. It's a lot of work and it takes a lot of patience. Now I am very afraid and wondering what to do.

I have blonde-brown hair. Can color have an aggressive effect on children? I dress stylishly, quite fashionably. I read fashionableadviсe .

And I also don't know how to make friends with other teachers. I'm not the type to sit and check notebooks.

I'm a person who wants to teach, but doesn't want to get bogged down in the job. Devote yourself to what you love, but don’t sit in one place and check notebooks all night.

I read that some teachers, after working for a long time, somehow change and become like zombies. Therefore, they lose enthusiasm for teaching children.

I thought for a long time, but I still want to become a teacher. But I don't want to get on my nerves when the kids scream. But as I understand it, this is test-antibiotic.com at the lottery level. Whether you're lucky with the class or not.

But I think it’s impossible to refuse a class when I first come to school. Talk to parents? Chat with other teachers?

Teachers, share your experience or who may know how to talk to teachers correctly. Is it worth itBring candy every day so that next year, if the class is bad, change it.

I really want calm and mature, balanced people to work with and study with. Also interestingThe question is , is it possible to apply your own teaching methods?

No matter how I look at it, all training consists of cramming. And I developed my own way of teaching. This is when most of the learning is not crammed, but learned. To make it interesting and the children will remember everything themselves. And at the end of the lesson teachrule .

And now a very intriguing question for me. I read that many people cajole other teachers so that they don't get the worst class in school. I'm afraid that they will give me exactly this one right away. I'm very afraid of this.

This won't work properly. But I really want to be a teacher, so that there are no scandals, the children are test-antibiotic.com normal. So you tell them to do the exercise, and they do it. And I don’t want to check my homework yet.


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