I want to go home, but I'm afraid to upset my parents

I want to go home, but I'm afraid to upset my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

From a small town, I went to conquer the capital. For those who were born in Moscow, the city is more or less suitable for life, but for the rest it is very harsh. This affects, first of all, when hiring. The employer understands that you did not then come to the capital in order to return home as a loser at the first difficulties, so he manipulates as he wants. He understands your hopelessness and uses with might and main.

I also faced this. The employees did not burn with the desire to communicate closer, perceiving me as a provincial who came to get rich, and also took the workplace of a Muscovite. At first, I worked for two, fulfilling all the requirements of the boss. Then the employees began to throw up the work, saying that I had to do everything, otherwise I would be fired. One of the girls, when I refused to make a report for her, said: “What are you going to pay for a rented room when you are fired?”

I came from a small town, depressive, in which there are a lot of alcoholics and all sorts of asocial elements (in principle, as well as throughout the country). Only the capital differs in this, and maybe even a couple of megacities. But there at test-antibiotic.com I had housing, I lived with my parents and my 10 thousand was a good income. Here they pay me 25, but everything is eaten up by housing, food, travel. There is absolutely nothing to postpone, as I once dreamed.

Thinking about everything, I decided to return home. I don’t tell my parents yet, so as not to upset. I understand what to get outgetting married at home is almost impossible, unless of course you pay attention to the fact thatthe guy drinks heavily andfamily is the same.

Please advise what is the best way to do it? Considering the present time, I am afraid that soon there will be neither men nor jobs in the village.

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