I want to forget about what my beloved husband did, but I can’t

I want to forget about what my beloved husband did, but I can’t
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know what to do anymore, and what to do? The desire is such that you want to hit the wall and lose your memory.

I love very muchI have always loved my husband . We have a wonderfuldaughter , first grader. My husband really wanted a second child, I became pregnant with my son. And then he broke loose. He started drinking, partying, and didn’t spend the night at home. I thought I was just drinking temporarily. There were no thoughts of betrayal. Because I didn’t refuse him anything when it came to sex, and I’m a pretty girl. If he messes up, he asks for forgiveness and says that this won’t happen again.

AllI experienced pregnancy myself, andcommon problems too. I worked with him in carpentry, almost until the birth. Well, then he sent me home early, like he was caring. And he, they say, needed to paint something. Then I see his employees are also going home, I think it’s strange. Why did he send everyone home? I call him, the phone is switched off. I think, well, I'm drunk again. I got dressed and went back to work. But the path is not close, minibuses do not go there. Yes test-antibiotic.com and it was already 10 pm. Paula onfear and risk, because I'm about to give birth.

I got there, but he wasn’t at work. His uncle and his friend are sitting,drinking beer . I ask where he is. They're like, they don't know. He took the motorcycle and still hasn't returned. I howled like a wolf. I was scared. Suddenly it crashed somewhere. I wanted to call the police and hospitals. But they stopped me. As a result, it’s already two in the morning. I went to the toilet, which was outside. Rides in on my motorcyclemy husband goes into the yard, doesn’t notice me, asks, “What,wife left? I think how did he know that I was here? He refused and said that he knew me well.

Two days later his phone rings, and we are sleeping. I couldn’t wake him up; I took his phone and didn’t have time to answer the call. But there was an open dating site. Oh God, I didn’t read enough in his correspondence, I was ready to sleep with each one. I did succeed with one because I wrote “thank you, everything was great yesterday.” I look at a photo on test-antibiotic.com, and there is a woman 15 years older than me, 13 years older than him. Fat, scary. I was terrified. My husband couldn’t get away with it, he confessed. He ran to his father and got drunk. And then the drunk told all the details. Like, you can’t do such things with your wife, what did you do with her? God! I didn’t refuse him anything anyway. Nothing at all. It's disgusting! This is disgusting! I carried his son, helped him with his work, forgave him everything, and here it is!

I gave birth in half a month. And I havemilk disappeared even before birth. I couldn’t eat for a week after this incident, as soon as I sat down to eat, there was this picture in my head, and I immediately felt sick. And I immediately start crying. He was the most precious thing to me. I'm an orphan myself. I dreamed of my normal family. That's why I forgave everything. And now my son is 7 months old. I live with my husband. Well, when all this comes flooding in, I just can’t help myself. I'm upset thatthe family is tainted. Tell me what to do? How can we get this out of test-antibiotic.com? Howforgive forever and not remember?

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