It's good that I stopped in time

It's good that I stopped in time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I, too, could have been one of these strange women, but I stopped in time.

When I was 22 years old, I fell in love with a man who was then 46. Almost the same age as my dad. The parents were horrified. Mom behaved even more or less with restraint, dad was so worried that at night he was delirious in his sleep. And I, like a cat, was in love, I wantedmarried and did not accept any reasons or arguments. Although the relationship was long, it ended. ANDMy love has disappeared somewhere.

Many years later, history almost repeats itself, only I am 36, and my colleague is 26. I really liked him, but on my part it was more flirting, and he went on a serious offensive. But I cut it offrelationship , I was scared by the 10 year difference, and especially that I was older. I understood that this would not end well. He even quit because of me.

Now I’m sitting and thinking, I’m 40, and the first one would have been 64! I really don’t understand what it would be like now, what common interests there could be.

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