Although it’s late, I decided to get a higher education

Although it’s late, I decided to get a higher education
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

By the age of 25, all my peers had long since received higher education. At that time I was working as a waitress in a cafe in my small town in the Moscow region. My parents were retired and there was no one to help. I didn’t have any friends, I didn’t have a boyfriend, but I wanted to live normally and see the world, even if it was to break out of the usual monotonous circle. All minelife consisted of work and rest from it, and only occasionally did I get out to visit relatives in the capital, for two or three days. There I was at least able to unwind a little.

Once, walking down the street, there were only guests, the thought occurred to me: “It’s either now or never.” I need to change my life, get a higher education and urgently break out of the wilderness. This thought led me to the threshold of the Moscow University of Economics, from whose doors I came out already loaded with information about the upcoming entrance examinations.

Armed with books and the Internet, I prepared well in three months and successfully, having collected the required number of points, I was enrolled in the budget. My efforts were rewarded by God. But two days later, I was fired from my job without explanation, and I had no money in reserve, and after 5 days the session. But I decided not to lose heart. The university also included a dormitory located next to the place of study, but I was told that there were no free places.

For the orientation session I had to travel from home for three weeks and get up at 5 am. My strength was only enough to come to Moscow, sit through classes and go home and sleep. The workload seemed too much for me. I never found a job and employers did not particularly favor correspondence workers anywhere. And only on the eve of the summer session I was able to get a job, I went, without any choice - to the supermarket, as a cashier. Although no one from my circle of contacts worked in trade, and they occupied quite respectable positions.

I found myself in a nightmarea team where they immediately transferred all the work to me, forced me to forcibly help other employees while they slept at home or arranged their personal lives. I came home, took a shower, went to bed and cried, but I endured it for the sake of the university, from which I graduated with honors. But the work was hard both mentally and physically.

After all, out of our entire faculty, I was the only one who worked in such a humiliating job. Many classmates, having learned where I worked, shunned me, did not want to be friends, mocked me, and made me a laughing stock even in front of the teachers. Now I remember all this like a nightmare.

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