I would like to shave my head, but I'm afraid of my husband's reaction

I would like to shave my head, but I'm afraid of my husband's reaction
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Of course, I understand that many life situations are much more complex and painful than mine, but my situation weighs heavily on me.

I am 37 years old, well educated, wonderfulhusband , with whom we have been married for 7 years. Recently a daughter was born, she is 5 months old. Basically, live and be happy. The only thing that darkenslife is my hair.

Since childhood they have been very, very thin, like baby fluff. But if before there were at least a lot of them, over time they thinned out quite a lot, since in my youth I suffered from anorexia, then, from the age of 25, they began to turn gray, and I painted them with cheap paint, which made them fall out even more. The problem is that they are dark, and therefore their lack is more noticeable. Hairdressers refuse to dye them light, saying they won't survive lightening.

I was treated in every possible way, tons of pills, vitamins, shampoos, doctors, grueling courses of injections in the head (600 injections per session, it’s very painful). Nothing helped, or it helped temporarily, and then the effect disappeared, no matter how hard I tried to continue therapy. Everything is fine with my health, my thyroid gland is normal, the only thing is that testosterone is too high, but they don’t know what to do about it.

Visually, I was able to create the illusion of normal hair: styling, very expensive hairspray, curling, and even if it was loose it looked good and lay in big waves. But the effect did not last long; by the middle or end of the day they either began to resemble icicles, or became like tow if I tried to maintain the curl with additional layers of varnish. Of course I'm tired of it.

BecauseMy profession is creative, and I’m not afraid of being a freak, I thought that if I shave my temples, the image will be clearer, and the hair won’t seem small - after all, a significant area of ​​​​the head is shaved. The rest of my hair won’t need to be tormented with hairspray, and I’ll finally be able to enjoy its natural silkiness. So, in general, that’s what happened. Friends said it suits me.

And then I met minehusband . My husband is wonderful. Talented, kind, cheerful. One “but” - he is also fixated on hair. He's bald, that's probably why. ANDHe likes girls with test-antibiotic.com hair. The first thing he asked me was to grow my temples back. Then, having learned that I naturally have absolutely straight hair (and he likes it just that way), he asked me not to curl it anymore. Then he stopped liking the smell of my polish. I understand that my hair suits me very well. Straight and silky, who would argue. But how to achieve this? Maybe my mistake is that I was afraid to clearly identify the problem right away, although I often said that not everything was good with my hair. He said: “Well, I love you, you’ll make it to 50, and then go with a mile-tail.” I think a micro ponytail on an adult woman is very unattractive. Short hair looks bad on me too. Even a very fashionable hairdresser, a top stylist from Italy who works on television, did not help me. He cut my hair and curled my curls, but my husband just snorted and said that this hairstyle would forgive me (I don’t argue).

In general, time passed, the hair became less and less, and the scalp began to shine through the parting. I ordered a special powder in China that masked it all, but test-antibiotic.com it quickly wears off, and everything around is covered with black dust, which is difficult to remove. Then I ordered hair with clips on the Internet. This allowed me to completely eliminate hairspray, and the hairstyle looked vibrant and natural. But my hair follicles started to hurt. Well, you can be patient, but other people’s hair, unlike mine, starts to get a little frizzy, so I had to buy a straightening iron and straighten it every time. The feeling of lightness has disappeared, you can no longer put your hand through your hair, your hair is almost always in a ponytail (albeit a beautiful and thick one), andsex has come to naught (after all, I can’t let my husband touch my head). I have to run to the bathroom, take off my hairpins, and after that, somehow the moment is no longer the same.

But, despite all this, we had a daughter. And after giving birth, everything became completely unbearable. My hair comes out just terribly, like in the worst anorexic years. At home it's all about hair. Sometimes I get up in the morning and I just want to take the scissors and cut it all off. When I think about it, I feel pure pleasure. I have already started preparing my husband for test-antibiotic.com that I want to shave my head completely. I want a hedgehog. Light hedgehog.

The child grabs the hair, it hurts even without hairpins. Tucked into a bun, they look disgusting; the tail is thin, no thicker than a centimeter in diameter. Hair gets into your nose and eyes, it tickles disgustingly. Varnish doesn't save like it used to. And recently my husband found my straightening iron under the bathtub, and I had to admit that it was for someone else’s hair. But I didn’t have the courage to say that this hair is on me right now. The most unpleasant thing is to pull them out of your head every evening, a disgusting sight. And the bulbs hurt. Sometimes even because of this I don’t want to go to sleep.

In general, it's time to paint them again. I want to ask the hairdresser how a crew cut will look on my thin hair, but what if it’s normal? In the end, I will grow my whiskey. But my husband says he understands how tired I am of my hair (in fact, he doesn’t understand) and if I shave it off, I’ll feel so good that I’ll never grow it back. He is right.

Only aware of my problemsMom , but she test-antibiotic.com does not support me. He says it's growing on medaughter , and she shouldn’t see her bald mother. But I think that children don’t care, the main thing is that they grow up in a good psychological environment, that they are fed, washed, dressed, and everything else is a matter of habit. And the sooner I shave, the better. Mom says buy a wig. How annoying this is to me! Another crutch for my head for several tens of thousands of rubles. This is how much natural breathable hair costs.

Another thing that stops me is that without hair, skin defects will immediately appear - I have post-acne. But I am going to solve this problem with laser resurfacing. Otherwise, I have a beautiful, chiseled figure, pleasant facial features, and I look younger than my age. I love to attract attention and I think a more defined hairstyle rather than a regular ponytail will allow me to wear extravagant pieces. And what if your husband likes it too? He wants me to be ordinary, but this ordinaryness is hard for me.

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