I wanted to prove to my ex-husband that I was happy without him

I wanted to prove to my ex-husband that I was happy without him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would really like to get advice, as I find myself in a difficult life situation. And through my own fault, too, but not only.

My husband left me for someone else. He left me alone with my little son. Although I was still on maternity leave. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t get away for a long time. I tried to understand, talk, hold. I loved him so much, he was my first in everything. The first and only man. I always thought that everything would be fine with us, that such couples are created, as they say, only in heaven.

We lived together for 8 years. It didn’t work out for a long time with the child, and now, when the long-awaited son was born, ourThe relationship has completely deteriorated. He didn't like my appearance, my weight, my personality, my cooking. He suddenly stopped being satisfied with myfamily with whom I was very close. Mom and grandmother were frequent guests, they helped me, fussed with my grandson, but they disturbed him.

Scandals and quarrels began. And on another such evening, he packed his bags and left for another. It was incredibly painful and scary. My eyes were constantly test-antibiotic.com wet, and it was difficult to pull myself together, but after some time I came to my senses. Thanks to my family.

About just six months later, at a family holiday, I saw an old acquaintance, we got to talking, and shared the changes in our lives. He also recently divorced, he also had a son from his first marriage, he lived with his mother. Then came correspondence, calls, surprises and gifts, walks in the evenings. I lost my head and I think I fell in love.

Of course, this was not such a strong feeling as I felt for my husband, but I did not exclude the possibility that something serious could grow out of him. Then came minepregnancy and his marriage proposal. I was very happy. It also warmed my soul that I showed my ex-husband that I could be happy without him. She lost weight, began to dress brighter, and quickly settled into a family life. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that his meetings with his son began to fade away. Maybe it was unpleasant for him to see what was good for me.

At first he missed meetings, then he stopped answering, and later he completely changed test-antibiotic.com his phone number. I couldn’t call him anymore and didn’t even know where he lived. Only the place of work. Alimony payments came to me regularly. Even himMom didn’t want to talk to me about this, although she always came to meetings on the appointed days. She brought gifts both from herself and from him. This both surprised and angered me. The only son, so long-awaited, and dearFather doesn’t even want to see each other.

My son had already begun to forget what his dad looked like and constantly asked me for a photo. My current oneThe husband soon turned out to be not at all as good as he initially showed himself to be. He gave me very little money, mostly he bought everything himself, not an extra penny, gifts and toys only for his own daughter. Like all the attention. He also sees his son from his first marriage, although rarely, but he doesn’t pay child support, and he still squeezes our family. Here she will reproach me for not buying something, then there. It’s good that my alimony is good, enough for the children and for myself. She goes fishing, to the sauna, test-antibiotic.com to barbecue with her friends every weekend, while I’m home alone with the children. And you can’t wait for help from him. Rude and boorish. Intimacy should also happen almost immediately, as he wants, like a master. At home behind him there is dirt and disorder everywhere.

I began to realize that I was in a hurry, I wanted too much to look happy in the eyes of my ex-husband. Throw a wedding, put on a wedding dress, invite a lot of guests. Everything turned out that way, and now we are not in poverty, but it’s not about money at all, because anyway, what others see (a beautiful family like in a picture) does not correspond to reality at all.

At the beginning of that year we went on vacation. I gave the kids to their mother, and I rushed off with my husband to rest. Sun, sea, palm trees. I thought that there, alone, we could talk, be just the two of us, get closer. But he literally constantly ruins everything around him. He drinks a lot, smokes, behaves cheekily, and swears. He likes to relax brightly and fieryly; he’s bored with me, because I’m too correct and calm.

I can’t believe that I connected my life with such a person. test-antibiotic.com That I am now tied hand and foot and while on maternity leave, I can’t leave him anywhere. And so quickly destroy the second oneI don't want marriage . After all, our daughter was barely one year old. But the eldest will soon go to school, there will be more homework and even more problems. And no one will help. He doesn’t even touch the upbringing of his son, because the son is not his own, although I would not say that he is a good father for his own. Sometimes I don’t see him for months.

And the ex-husband quietly married his girlfriend and lives for his own pleasure. He abandoned his son, completely forgot about it, and it’s good for him. I settled in comfortably. And this is how it happened for me. She painted herself into a corner.

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