I fear and hate my father

I fear and hate my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe family lives in the city in a cottage. We earn decent money, both parents work. My brother and I go to all sorts of clubs and sections, they buy us branded, high-quality items and clothes. In general, financially we have nothing to complain about. But my dad has a very difficult character. He is hot-tempered, swears in front of my brother and me, and hits his brother hard (his brother is 9 years old). If you make him angry, he can hit you very hard and painfully, yell, he will start calling you names, swearing, and he may throw small objects. The last time he beat me was when I was a child, about 5-6 years old. And he still beats his brother. He can pull his ear, whip him, pull his hair, push him away. Once he even hit him with a vacuum cleaner rod.

My brother and I hate him. It's cruel. No parent who loves their child would treat their child this way. And after that, he returns after some time, and, as if nothing had happened, apologizes. Like, forgive me. We don't forgive this. He won't get away with it. We (me andbrother ) we really want to move test-antibiotic.com away from him as soon as possible so that we don’t come across him at all. Mom is aware, but does not react at all. It's okay because he deserves it. And, yes, sometimes a brother gets what he deserves. But today I stayed late in the evening in the bathroom. Dad told me to be in bed in a minute, in an angry tone, screaming. A minute later I was sitting on the spread bed with the light on. Dad came in, turned off the light, started talking (being indignant), and then suddenly grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up (I was in a lying position). Then he hit me in the face. Hit the blanket. I was shocked. I haven't been beaten by my dad for several years. He always said that he would never raise his hand to me again. Then, as usual, the image “as if nothing had happened” and that’s itproblems are “solved.” He went to close the door downstairs (our house has 2 floors).

I was shaking. I was in a panic. Tears fell in streams. I was afraid of him. I was afraid to live with him. I called him the devil, material, and cursed him. God, I’m still scared to live with him test-antibiotic.com. This is not the first time I have had such a feeling of fear of my father. Only he shouted at me. Then dad came back to me, started kissing me, apologizing, saying that he just shouldn’t be taken out. Yeah, so I forgave you. If only everything in life were so simple - I apologized and everything was forgiven, good. But this is a trauma for me all the timelife _ At the moment I dream of growing up and taking revenge on him for the past or treating him the way he treats me.

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