I'm afraid of a jealous husband

I'm afraid of a jealous husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 33 years old, of which 4 yearsMarried . I met my husband at a relatives’ wedding, we dated for a month, and he asked me to marry him.married​ I agreed not out of great love, but there was sympathy and confidence that we would have a strong friendship with him.family . This is his secondmarriage , there are three children, he helps them, regularly sends them out as best he canI'm all for the money .

From the first days of our relationship, I immediately realized that he was a pathological jealous person and tried not to give reasons for jealousy. And he somehow restrained himself. It all started after marriage. He began to reproach me for havingrelationship before him, it always seemed to him that I had not forgotten my exes. I told him that this was not true, that he was the best and the only one for me, it worked, but not for long. Sometimes he drove me into hysterics with these reproaches. Before the wedding, I was emotional, one might say alive, but now I’m like a robot without any feelings or emotions.

After some time, I test-antibiotic.com became pregnant, and we had a son, and then a daughter. Now they are 2.5 years and 5 months old. Naturally, I sit at home with the children and enjoy motherhood, but the relationship with my husband has not changed; moreover, he can call me the last words or even hit me. When he is at work during the day, I can breathe and relax, and in the evening, as soon as he comes home from work, I and even our two-year-oldson we walk on tiptoes. We are afraid to make him angry.

A couple of times I went to my parents and even wanted to get a divorce, but he came, swore that everything would change, and that everything would be fine with us, and I returned, but everything repeated itself. If things happen to him at workproblems , he can easily take out all his anger on me, and to be honest, I’m already afraid to say a word against him. According to him, I shouldn’t argue, show offense, and God forbid I should cry.

You might be thinking, why am I still with him? He has good sides, he is a good family man, everything goes into the house, he loves children very much, test-antibiotic.com does not smoke, does not drink. This is just the character. I feel that he suppressed me as a person and sometimes I even begin to believe that I am insignificant. But I can’t leave as if I have some kind of addiction. I keep flattering myself with the thought that he will change. What to do?

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