I will help my daughter, but I can no longer love her

I will help my daughter, but I can no longer love her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I understand the author of the story, whichdaughter blames for all failures in life. I've been trying to build it myself for many yearsrelationship with my daughter, who at 32 years old regularly accuses me of a spoiled childhood.

Childhood was spoiled until I was 11. Then there were expensive clothes and holidays abroad. Daughter doesn’t want me to buy her an apartment even with my ownmoney. Doesn't want to go outget married and especially have children.

Accordingly, he does not want to live separately. Then she will have no one to blame and mock. It really works fine. Smart, graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at the university. Well, a person likes to shout once a week about my fault in her life.

I finally realized that I had raised a daughter who belonged to the generation of so-called snowflakes. There is an essay by a famous psychologist. They are called “evil sissies”.

It’s still not our fault. What has grown has grown. And they are mentally healthy. They cannot be corrected. With their cry they demand preferences for themselves. It's not worth living with them either. I will help if asked. She doesn't ask often. Sometimes small money. But never love again. I used to really love test-antibiotic.com.

You can stop communicating with your daughter, because there is no other way to deal with these snowflakes. I stopped.

Last week my daughter came home from work tired and upset. From the doorway she started screaming about her ruined childhood, that she ate dumplings made from soy in the 90s. Because of this, she has a sick stomach.

I apologized and persuaded. Then my head began to spin and my heart ached. First time in life. She didn’t tell her. He will say that I have a horsehealth.

Then I realized that this generation of snowflakes cannot be treated. Therefore, I came to the only correct decision - to stop paying attention. Nothing can be changed.

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