I'm still afraid of my ex-husband

I'm still afraid of my ex-husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I understand that this is not right, it is a sin. But thinking about what I should do, I understand (and I’m scared about it) that mylife will be full and peaceful only when he is gone!

We've been divorced for five years. I've been through so much. Beatings, insults, humiliation! He's a psychological maniac! I mocked him as best I could! His direct goal is to make me feel bad. He came to the police and wrote an anonymous complaint against me that I was allegedly driving on a fake license. Did he want to put me in prison for a long time?

We separated when our son was 4 months old. I just realized that I want minethe son saw his mother as beautiful, so she wouldn’t cry, so she wouldn’t see how dad beat his mother. Hit him hard! I am 165 in height, and he is 2.01 m. I asked him to vacate my apartment. I always told him that we should not be enemies, that my son was not a bargaining chip, but he had a clear goal - to make me feel bad!

And he didn't think about the child. For example, at the age of two my son became silent and became very shy. Previously, test-antibiotic.com he babbled a lot, knew a lot of words, and was very sociable. Due to performances, inappropriate behavior, beatings, the child simply fell silent for a year. Knowing that my son was in the car with me, he deliberately cut me off on the road in the city center. He could, while I was holding my son in my arms, push him down the stairs. I constantly wrote letters to the guardianship authorities saying that I was drinking and partying. There was no end in sight to his machinations.

I had thoughts of just leaving everything, taking the child and running far away. But when my son was 3 years old, he was caught with drugs. I was honestly happy. He was sentenced to 3 years (although I thought they would give me more) and I began to live calmly. Not on a powder keg, not looking back in fear, but he was released a year early in July of this year. It's the beginning of October and I don't know what to do. He's muddying the waters again, and I'm not the only one who sees it. I was already afraid of him, he is completely inadequate, from whom you don’t know what to expect, but definitely nothing good.

Now I'm even more afraid. After all, he had test-antibiotic.com two years in prison! He could easily give me drugs! Anything! I don’t know what to do, but I definitely don’t want to live in constant fear anymore. Maybe someone can advise at least something.

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