I tolerated my wife's betrayal for a long time

I tolerated my wife's betrayal for a long time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 42 years old, Taurus according to my horoscope,Libra's wife , she is 31. She is charming and attractive to both women and men. Always the center of attention in any company, she knows how and loves to flirt in a group.

This makes me crazy with jealousy. Over the 9 years of marriage, my wife physically cheated once, and she betrayed me mentally for six months when she was studying at evening classes at the institute. Six months of romance instead of studying and eventually I started going to discos, I sat with the child and thought that she was at the institute. Once I came in the morning, but even then I didn’t think anything bad. It was just very sad that I couldn’t sleep, I was waiting for her.

The next morning I saw that she was covered in bruises. Hips, legs, waist, back, many bruises from fingers. She said that she and her friend fell drunk into a disco, she believed it, and after 4 weeks she had a serious party with her classmates and classmates in a guest house. End of the session. I was sitting with my daughter and turned on the computer late at night, and her Facebook was logged in. About 30 minutes later I opened the test-antibiotic.com chat with my institute friends and an hour later I was in shock. There are 5 guys on the course who are fans and one of them has become a close friend.

Now I have let go a little after 3 years after this, but then I was in a stupor. I see that he sends a photo of himself from the back with bruises in a general correspondence with his institute friends, they are surprised and ask did he beat you or what? She replies: “Andrey was a real animal, it was very pleasant.” I wanted to howl at what I learned. Why did you tell your friends? I understand, he's bragging. It was in May, I couldn’t figure out for a week who it was, social. I don’t know the network, I don’t know the course at the institute. All summer I drove around in my car at night and went crazy. I read a lot of bad things about myself in this chat.

Gradually everything connected into one whole picture. Then I was thrown off the brakes, it was bitter and disgusting, I hated myself. Everyone found out about this in six monthsfriends and the whole course,her sister . This guy had and still has a constantgirl , and at the same time my wife in addition. I was test-antibiotic.com wrong that I believed not myself, but my wife, shifted responsibility, believed that she was honest, but I did not always believe in myself. And the saddest thing is that I don’t believe her for several years after that, and we are still together. I understood a lot of things and began to dig after realizing the betrayal, to analyze the events over the year, a lot became clear, most of the signs that my wife was cheating on me coincided. Buying expensive underwear, dissatisfaction with me and constant refusal on her part to meet me and bring me back from the institute in the evening, a block on the phone and constant meetings with fellow students, there, all her fans on the course were 10 years younger than me.

I re-read the correspondence, destroying myself every evening, and forcing myself to suffer, going into analysis. I proved to myself that I was not a masochist, but I hurt her regularly, and after a while I was able to recover deleted SMS from her mobile phone, because I had read it earlier in a Facebook group and, to my surprise, found a correspondence with an unknown number, just flirting. In the afternoon I called this number with a sinking heart, I heard it in the voice test-antibiotic.coma man of about 50. And she needed such a fan. I was shocked. I asked her why a fifty-year-old, if there are 5 young fans? She said there iscomplexes in relation to her appearance and she wanted a fan who, of course, would admire her and her figure and would have money. That state when, from your wife’s correspondence, you understand that a man is flirting with her, you learn that an unknown fifty-year-old man likes my wife’s smile and lips, and he is ready to go to any place where she is resting to see her.

I didn’t believe it, I constantly repeated one question to myself: “why?” He asked: “Where did you meet him?” It turned out to be on my birthday (I was late at work and warned my wife in advance, she agreed to go with her good friend Natasha to a cafe to sit until I met her after work). I remembered how on May 10 I waited after work for about 20 minutes until my wife came out and we went home, and on the way she told how Natasha gave her phone number to a man who came up to meet her and gave a bottle of test-antibiotic.com from his table.wine _ I understand, noa friend gave me the phone number, and my wife wanted to show off her relevance to me, but she couldn’t. I ask: “Weren’t you ashamed to give your phone number to a stranger in front of your good friend Natasha?” She replies that Natasha went to the toilet, and her wife gave her her business card.

This desire to leave her contacts to a respectable man in a pretentious place is very similar to her story at the very beginning of our life together, when she worked in a beauty salon. Once a rich, middle-aged Jew with security came into their salon; his wife was the administrator, and after a haircut he asked for her phone number with an unambiguous offer in the evening at the hotel, but this was heard by half the salon employees and several clients. The wife laughed it off in front of so many witnesses and refused, but the client showed strong interest and did not hesitate to agree. Every time she told this story, she convinced herself that she had not lost anything interesting anyway. Now I understand what I wanted in my heart, but it was in the first year of marriage.

I ordered a printout of conversations for several months from test-antibiotic.com and saw that when I left for work or sometimes dropped me off in the car, she immediately called him when we parted, they talked for about 10 minutes, 5 times a day. I reconstructed in my head the chronology of the events of her penultimate couple of trips to clubs, she went to nightclubs to walk new platform shoes, giving her phone number to many men during the night, and then received SMS from them. First there was a call from her to a young man on Friday evening, and he had a regular girlfriend and he could not always keep my wife company. Then an SMS was sent to a 50-year-old fan, who on a particular Friday was in a restaurant with his wife and could not answer with consent.

Then there was a call with reliable classmates in love to accompany her to the clubs. In chats with her friends, she often discussed her classmates’ admirers, and modestly said “it can’t be,” although she herself was delighted by the fact that they were looking into her mouth in anticipation of a request. She said a lot of things with condemnation in conversations about the institute, about test-antibiotic.com, what her institute friends did, at the institute or on vacation, she actually did. I want to brag about this tactic, but I can’t do it on my own. At a minimum, a lot of things were her desires, like look, the bitch Rita, in front of her husband, accepts the courtship of a young man from college, he blows bubbles over her, but I don’t need that. Or how so and so behaves, but in fact, she is interested in him. During reconciliations in conversations, she proved to me well why she allowed a stranger into ourslife _ I let her go for walks, to get away from her daughter, or to do coursework in a cafe with classmates, when I used to trust her. I slept peacefully with my daughter, but now I can’t anymore.

Like most people, I want it to be pleasant.a lie , not the bitter truth. The wife says that she did not cheat on him that day, but simply hugged him. Of course, it’s easier for me to come to terms with this, but I understand that theselies . At the very least, she morally betrayed our family, and I looked for and found her flirting and betrayal for a long time.

A year later test-antibiotic.com she went to visit her sister in London, just in time for her birthday. I’m sad in Riga alone after work and decided to put my papers in order. Late in the evening I found an explanatory farewell letter to my former lover. The letter is over a year old, I don’t think she sent it to him, but she became very, very sad. The letter called our meeting with her a mistake that cannot be changed and suggested that maybe in the distant future everything will change. It was a very beautiful and emotional letter. I hid it and never thought about it. This was another difficult find for me, which I dug up myself. When I told her that I knew about him, she replied that she didn’t love me and she hadn’t cared for a long time.

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