I started a new life, but the past won't let me go

I started a new life, but the past won't let me go
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am writing a continuation of my story so that no one repeats my mistakes. In May it will be a year since I ran away from myhusband of a tyrant. My grandmother was sick and bedridden for 8 months. On May 9, he did not allow me to stay with my grandmother for even 5 minutes, and on May 11, 2015, she died, and I decided that there was no point in enduring all this anymore. To this day my conscience torments me that I was not with her that day. He didn’t help me at all with my grandmother’s funeral, and even more - he didn’t come, hug me or support me. And after all that, he also said that I wasn’t at the funeral or wake, but went to see my lover. I was very upset and hurt.

On May 13 we buried my grandmother. I came after the wake and said that today I would leave him because I couldn’t stand it anymore. He beat me. He tried to choke me, hit my head against everything test-antibiotic.com that came to hand. I had bruises under my eyes, bruises on my lips, all over my body, and from the fact that he choked me, bruises formed on my neck. Because of this, I couldn’t breathe for two weeks, and I barely survived the flight. There was a constant sharp feeling in my head due to pressurepain . He beat me so much that I lost consciousness, and I don’t know how I ended up at home. On May 14, I woke up in the morning with bruises and ran away while he was sleeping. I went to my mothera friend who lives in our city, and after 3 days, when the bruises under her eyes were not so noticeable, she left for Kiev. From Kyiv I flew to my grandmother’s sister in Ossetia.

I was very afraid that he would find me, just like the first time. Thank God it passed. At least he didn’t give up trying to find me. He called all my relatives and friends. After I ran away, mymy husband burned all my things, he made a show of it. He called my younger brothers to look at it and took test-antibiotic.com his mistress with him. Yes! He had her, it was a surprise for me, and on the third day after I ran away, he invited her to live with him. And at the same time he was looking for me and was sure that I would return to him. Even a month later, when I arrived from Ossetia, he knew about it. They told him everything about the date and time.

Well, here it isJealousy became a plus for me for the first time. He was sure that I returned from Ossetia with a man. It was very difficult. After all, the only clothes I had were what I left in. Mysister andthe friend I live with now. And when they say that all people are evil, I say that this is not true. I got a job as a salesperson in a children's toy store. I have a bossman , at first I was very afraid of him, like other men in principle. But over time, I told him some moments from my life. Now I'm the eldestsalesman . And although my salary is not big, test-antibiotic.com but onlife is enough for me. And one moment. For 5 years he forbade me to use the phone and the Internet, so I immediately registered in all social networks. networks to fill the void in communication.

In the month of August, one woman wrote to me that ourMom is looking for us. Of course, I didn’t believe it, since I’ve been thinking for a long time that she died. It turned out that she was alive and wanted to communicate with us. To be honest, I didn’t want to communicate with her out of resentment, but the elderher brother called her. She confirmed that it was her. She said that she couldn’t even imagine how we got out of everything, because she abandoned us like puppies to our fate. I never called her. A week later, my brother got ready to go to her and now he has a ticket for Friday, and on Thursday a woman from her village calls and says that yourmother died. Or rather, she burned alive that night. It's just shocking! God actually sees everything, and apparently it was not fate for her test-antibiotic.com to see us and ask us all for forgiveness.

I’m still tormented by my conscience that I didn’t call her after all, because it’s so simple. My husband was sure that I was living in Kyiv with a Georgian, and his words turned out to be prophetic. Now I'm dating a guy, and he's Georgian. Butrelationships don't work out. I'm afraid of everything all the time. I am jealous and demanding. And I understand perfectly well that this is all because of a previous relationship, but I can’t do anything with myself. I don't know what to do next. Everything is so confusing. After all, I always remember what I experienced. All this is reflected inhealth . I am nervous and still want to talk and communicate all the time. After all, he really didn’t even allow me to talk to anyone on the phone. On March 20 he will havebirthday . So I’m thinking about making him a call from the past or not? Congratulate him? Call him?

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