I couldn't do otherwise

I couldn't do otherwise
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for a long time and love each other. I have always believed that we have a strong and happyfamily . At first we were friends for a long time, and then we started dating. We had many difficulties in our lives, but we overcame everything, walking hand in hand. We have known each other since I was fifteen. We got married six years after we started communicating. The wedding was gorgeous. Many guests, warm words, fun competitions - we were simply happy. And in six months I will find out that Slava hasmistress ​The ground disappeared from under our feet. Everything was torn apart inside,the pain was unbearable. I couldn't live normally. She ate poorly, suffered from insomnia, and was constantly nervous. There was complete apathy. Surely, those who experienced it now understand mebetrayal of a loved one.

We started quarreling often. Slava either left me or came back again. You probably think that you should have left him right away and put an end to the relationship. But I really lovedhusband and could not part with him completely. I prayed to get pregnant from Slava, so that at least I would have test-antibiotic.comthe child is from him, if not himself. And I got pregnant. MyMy husband continued his adventures, I was nervous. I didn’t agree to get a divorce, but we stopped living together. I decided to focus on the child and give him my all.Love . Soon the baby was born. Slava met us from the maternity hospital, but then went back to his mistress. I thought that since things didn’t work out for us anyway, let him go to someone else. Agreed todivorce and even filed an application herself.

And then the husband was replaced. Realizing that he was losing me and his son, he began to trybring me back. And I didn’t want anything anymore. When my son was already a year old, we finally made peace. I know for sure that he no longer sees his mistress. Slava is very grateful to me for taking him back. I really forgave my husband. I just decidedforget about everything and start living again. We have a happy family again. My son is already six years old. Slava now values ​​his family very much and doesn’t even look away. He always test-antibiotic.com protects me and takes care of me. Now, when I look at my men, I understand that I did everything right. I'm glad I saved our family. Our love has overcome this barrier, and now we are truly happy. I think I won.

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