I can't separate mother and children

I can't separate mother and children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am almost 30 years old. I work as an insurance agent in a small company. I don't get much, but I get enough to live on. I had a lot of relationships, but not serious ones. There was no thought of marriage, exactly until I met her.

At first, I liked her outwardly, and then, when I got to know her better, I liked her character. She is 23 years old, but she did not behave at all as it is now fashionable among young people. When my working day ended, I looked forward to meeting her. So we met for six months. During this time, I introduced her to my parents, and she to hers, and then we got married. I was incredibly happy.

After we legalized our relationship, played a wedding, she moved in with me and after about a week she tells me that she has two children. At first, I thought it was a joke. 23 years old and already two children? Yes, and I visited her parents, there was not a word about any children. But she was serious. test-antibiotic.com She told me that she dated a guy and got pregnant at 17. do abortionMom forbade it, and the guy disappeared. After some time, he showed up, asked for forgiveness, wanted to see the child. She believed and began to live together. Then, she became pregnant again. And he changed his mind again. They did not marry, so she and the children had to return to their parents. Then she met me and fell in love, but fearing that having children would reject me, she lied and asked her parents to do the same.

To be honest, I'm shocked. She could not tell about the children on the first date, on the tenth. But after all, it came to meeting the parents, the wedding, in the end. When asked where she did the children, she replied that they were visiting relatives in the village. I felt like I was just being used for the sake of marriage. Although, she swears that she loves. But why couldn't you tell about the children before, and why, if you wanted to hide everything, did you tell it now, after the wedding? Silence and tears to my questions.

I'm in stupor. I still love my test-antibiotic.com wife, but this lie has eroded her trust. I told her honestly, I don’t need other people’s children, I won’t be able to love them, no matter how hard I try. She told me that she would send the children to the village and we would never see them again. But this is nonsense, isn't it? How can I live in peace knowing that I'm tearing apartmother with her children? In this situation, I feel sorry for neither myself nor my wife, but her children. After all, they, in fact, have become useless to anyone!

If I offer to live together, it will be bad for me. After all, I will not have the desire to play with them, buy anything. I want to spend the weekend with my wife, and then there are the kids. In addition, I will not conceal, I will not financially take out two children at the moment. If I agree with my wife's decision, it will be bad for the children. They will be separated from their mother. Yes andwife , I think, will be unhappy in her soul.

I offered to leave the children with her parents, and we would sometimes visit them, and she would be able to visit them more often. But test-antibiotic.com's wife said her parents would be against it.

What to do? What solution can I do to make everyone feel good?

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