I don't blame my father, but I'm very sorry for my mother

I don't blame my father, but I'm very sorry for my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I accidentally found out that my father has a woman on his side. Now I'm afraid that he will find out about this andmother .

I have been living separately from my parents for a couple of years now. I inherited from my grandmother a small apartment in the city center. One day, while walking home from work, I noticed my father with a woman. I decided to follow them as a joke. I was wondering who this woman was, but that it was hismistress , I didn't even think about it.

First, dad bought flowers for the woman at a flower shop and then took her to a restaurant. I followed, and I didn’t feel like laughing. He looked at that woman in such a way that I immediately realized that she was his mistress. My dad hasn’t looked into my mom’s eyes like that for a long time, or stroked her hand tenderly. Lately they have been living as lodgers and have virtually no contact. On the one hand, I understand my father, but on the other, I condemn him. MyMom didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

I went to a nearby cafe and ordered some sweets to eat away the stress. On the one hand, I really wanted to call my mother right away and tell her everything test-antibiotic.com. But I’m very afraid that she won’t survive this, she has a bad heart, she should be protected from stress. On the other hand, I feel sorry for my father. After all, he is happy with another woman. And again, he doesn’t offend his mother, he takes care of herhealth , provides financially. She doesn’t work for me, she attends various clubs and gyms. They just got coldlove , romance has passed.

I also understand thatmy father's betrayal affected meattitude towards marriage. I'm scared to go out nowmarried _ What if it's minethe spouse will do the same. I will invest my strength in him, give birth to children for him, and he will take a mistress.

I left the cafe with the thought that the first thing I would do was talk to my father. On Sunday evening, at the most opportune moment, I told him everything. Mom was at yoga at that moment. He, of course, repented, said how unpleasant it was for him that I found out about this, but at the moment he didn’t want to change anything. He asked me to remain silent, he would resolve the situation himself. I shared my fears, because if my mother finds out about this, even test-antibiotic.com I don’t know how she will react. It's good if you just give it todivorce _

Although I promised my father to remain silent, it is very difficult for me to restrain my emotions when talking with my mother. I always want to give advice so that she devotes more time to her father and arranges romantic evenings, but I’m afraid that her mother will suspect something. I really want to save their family, I want them both to be happy.

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