I'm not happy about my third grandson

I'm not happy about my third grandson
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Last weekthe daughter admitted that they were expecting another baby. I, as a grandmother, should be happy, but there is no joy. You can’t tell this to your friend, so you have to writeConfession to strangers to pour out your soul.

This will be the third child. But my daughter is only 28 years old, and my son-in-law is 27. I once gave birth to a daughter at the age of 22 and knew for sure that this was my lastchild . Although there were fewer opportunities than now, I still wanted to fill and diversify mylife is something other than diapers and sandboxes.

I raised my daughter alone from the age of 12, and was widowed at an early age. And my only goal was to put her firmly on her feet and give her a good education. From the 8th grade, she studied additional English with a tutor, participated in Olympiads, wrote poetry, and was published in newspapers. I entered the budget without any problemsuniversity for journalism. It seemed like there were grandiose plans and dreams, but she supported her daughter as best she could, somehow infringing on herself.

And then she came outmarried , first grandson at 24, granddaughter born 2 years later. And test-antibiotic.com is now the third child. My daughter only worked for about a year before her maternity leave, and now it is unknown when she will return to work. Why, one might ask, was it necessary to spend years getting a good education? Who needs her diplomas now?

Don't think about it, of course I don't tell her all this. Otherwise there will be conflicts and quarrels, this is of no use. Nowadays young people don’t even want to listen to anything. I just can’t understand it for myself, does she really like to limit her life like that? What does she see? Diapers, baby vests, rock them to sleep, change a diaper, ride on a swing, feed them porridge, put one or two to sleep, and now a third? This is how it goesevery day of her life.

I'm afraid that she may not stop with the 3rd child. Nowadays there are all these new-fangled phenomena: breastfeeding until kindergarten, children not being let off the hook, constantly doing some kind of developmental activities. I don't understand where she gets all this in her head. After all, she herself grew up alone in the family; her son-in-law only had one brother. Why they decided to have many children is unclear to me. Very sad. I didn’t test-antibiotic.com dream of such a life for my daughter. I can't come to terms with this.

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