I didn't break down and started my life from scratch

I didn't break down and started my life from scratch
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story I want to tell is minepain and joy, my tears and my sadness, in general, mylife .

It all started quite prosaically, my dad left my mom when I was 13 years old, besides me she also had my 3-year-oldbrother Sashka. Before the divorce, my mom and dad argued a lot, and in order to escape from these constant quarrels and squabbles, I started going for walks, seeking solace in adult friends, smoking and alcohol.

After divorcemy mother stopped caring for us altogether, my grandmother took Sashka, and they decided to leave me with my mother, but I already met Ruslan and moved to live with him, to be honest, my mother was actively organizing her personal life at that time, so she was incredibly happy about my moving toguy . Ruslan was 26 at that time, he worked I don’t remember where, he became a lifeline for me in this life. We never quarreled, he constantly forced me to go to school, did homework with me and said: “Don’t carry an education behind you.” But then Ruslan was transferred to another test-antibiotic.com city, and he left, we met on weekends, and at that time I found out about mypregnancy .

Of course, I can’t say that I was shocked, because I understood that children could be born from a relationship between a man and a woman, but I didn’t expect this to happen to me at 15 years old. My first thought was to immediately sign up for an abortion, but after thinking about it, I decided to first consult with Ruslan. I can’t say that he was happy, but he wasn’t upset either, he said we need to think, he didn’t think for long, after 3 days he said that we would give birth. Until the 5th month, Ruslan rushed around with me like a dirty bag, my mother, having learned about my situation, called me names and asked me not to bother her anymore.

The conversation with my mother upset me greatly and I ended up in the hospital with a threat. During the 2 weeks while I was lying there, Ruslan never came to see me, butevery day I listened to such “compliments” addressed to me that even now it hurts to remember. One day, Ruslan’s brother test-antibiotic.com came to me and asked me to give me the keys to the apartment, he would collect his things and give them to his grandmother. He was shocked by the fact that he saw the belly, and then it’s sickening to remember, Ruslan and his mother came to me, they said things to my face that were incomprehensible to my mind, and then my mother said: “When you give birth, we’ll see who you look like.” ", and then we’ll decide, ourschild or not."

I felt so hurt and offended that I screamed in hysterics: “not yours, not yours, I cheated on Ruslana, go away.” This was not true, of course, but I couldn’t stand this clownery anymore. I stayed with my grandmother, went to school until the end, of course, everyone who could mocked me, but I didn’t care anymore. I regretted that I did not have an abortion, I regretted that I began to lead an adult life at such an early age, but that I was already waving my fists after a fight. On May 30, I gave birth to a daughter, my Svetochka, my ray of light. I really wanted to get to the last call, andmy daughter decided to attend it too, so instead of the line, we went to test-antibiotic.com maternity hospital. After Svetochka was born, we stayed with my grandmother, I didn’t go to school, I started looking for work to somehow help my grandmother. But I was looking for a job for 2-3 hours, since I had to feed my daughter and help my grandmother, who was very worried that all the neighbors were discussing her untravelling granddaughter.

But I endured, the last straw was the kindergarten where I sent my daughter at 1 year and 7 months. Then I got a full-time job and also took on part-time work. I specially arranged for Sveta to work in a 24-hour kindergarten so that I could drop her off early and go out at 6 am for my shift as a janitor and pick her up at 8 pm. I also got a job as a cleaner at the pharmacy on duty. I will remember that evening for the rest of my life. I flew as fast as I could to pick up the little one, I flew into the kindergarten, and a guard came to meet me with the words: “You’ve had enough fun, don’t hurt another one.” I didn’t have time to answer anything, he went to his closet, dressed my daughter, began to teach her how to put on shoes correctly and I heard test-antibiotic.com behind me: “teach her to place her legs at the age of 13, you’re better at it.” .

At that moment I realized that I couldn’t live here anymore, a week later I received my salary, took my daughter and left, I left for nowhere, of course, now I understand that it was too stupid on my part, but I’m painfully I wanted my child to suffer. I arrived in a regional city, I only had enough money to rent a room and buy 2 loaves of bread. I immediately started looking for a job, but who needs an 18-year-olda girl with no education, and even with a two-year-old child? After 5 days the bread ran out, we didn’t eat anything for 2 days, but when at night my daughter asked for at least a piece of bread, it became scary. To tell the truth, at that moment I had a strong desire to return home, but remembering all those faces, I couldn’t.

The next morning I decided to go beg, they didn’t give me much, and I was ashamed, but all for the sake of my daughter, and onea man came up and said: “I would give test-antibiotic.com 500 rubles, but you’ll drink it.” I remember how I started crying and begging, then he said: “If this is all true, will you go clean the toilets?” I thought I would die of happiness, work, I found a job! Of course, this may all sound funny, but it all brings tears to my eyes. In general, I cleaned a public toilet at a train station for a year, my daughter worked with me all this time, then the owner suggested that I try as a cashier while she was on vacation. I did it, and they hired me as a replacement.

At the age of 4, I enrolled my daughter in kindergarten, for 6 years I had worked as a cashier in a public toilet, when the accountant fell ill, the owner was busy with documents, and then I offered myhelp . At school I was an excellent student in mathematics (I then remembered Ruslan’s words), I then helped the boss and after a couple of months, he invited me to go study. With his help, I entered a technical school by correspondence, studied and have been working as an economist in the service sector for 8 years, namely a network of paid toilets. Of course, I understand that now test-antibiotic.com some will start saying, wow, what have you achieved, but I’m happy with it, my daughter and I survived, I didn’t drink myself to death and didn’t give up, as many predicted.

As for Svetochka, she is my pride, at the end of May she will be 20 years old, she graduated from medical college and works as a nurse in a clinic. Everyone told me: “What kind of daughter will you raise, what kind of daughter will you have?” Surprisingly, Svetochka grew up as a very calm girl; in my opinion, she didn’t even want to communicate with boys. She met her boyfriend Artem 2 years ago, and now they live together. As for me, all the time I didn’t even want to meet anyone, there were so many problems and worries, but 2 years ago my daughter decided to introduce me to her teacher at college. When they decided to get together with Artem, he said: “I’ll leave, and you’ll be alone, you’re still very young and he’s young.”

In general, with my daughter’s light hand, Oleg and I have been married for 1.5 years, our common daughter Arina test-antibiotic.com is 4 months old. It’s scary, of course, to remember all this, but it’s even scarier to realize that during all this time no one even remembered me, and in the first year I called often and left my address. I know that my mother has arranged her life, everyone is alive and well, but, apparently, Svetochka and I have not been in their lives for a long time.

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