I could not forgive my husband for such an act

I could not forgive my husband for such an act
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read itconfession about divorce in old age and sharing my own, similar story. I also considered my situation a betrayal.

Having lived with my husband for more than 40 years, in a seemingly happy marriage, I also have not forgiven the betrayal. And it consisted in the fact that after the sale of an apartment registered in his name (it just so happened), the origin of which is connected with my inheritance, he appropriated half of the money with the wording: “This is my money! 50% is mine. I, because you originally hadapartment (where we all used to live), I was unable to get an apartment from the state when I was young. But in fact, I am also entitled to something. Allworked hard for life . Therefore theseThe money is definitely mine! And the loans you took (the loan agreements were signed by him as a “co-borrower”) do not concern me. I didn't need these expenses. He just didn’t give me the money from actually selling my apartment and that’s all. As a result, I still have debts on the loan, he has free money in his account. And this despite the fact that we were married. And test-antibiotic.com doesn’t give a damn about this money, I was shocked that he was running around to lawyers behind my back, finding out his rights, instead of stipulating his ownproblems with me.

I had no idea at all that he had any problems, and they were only in his brain. He had no personal debts. And the lawyers explained that yes, indeed, he owns half of the property. Well, they didn’t explain that he would receive 50% only in the event of a divorce. Apparently, people usually ask lawyers such questions only when they are getting divorced. They decided that we were talking aboutdivorce . And “my ex” decided that he has the right to demand his 50% of any of my income (from salary, from the sale of my property) at any time. It’s funny that he already had everything in the process of living together, “by default.” What more was needed? What was missing? I don't understand?

For the last 20 years, I have practically supported the family. His earnings were small in recent years, and then only a pension, which is usually barely enough for personal maintenance. And our apartment was bought by test-antibiotic.com with the money I earned. When he started everything, he didn’t even think about divorce: “I acted according to the law.” But I didn’t accept such an act. Well, they would pay off the debts, and divide the rest of the money in half, if he really wanted to share and put something into his personal account, so that the savings book, like Sharapova, would “warm his soul”! That would at least be fair, I think. In the end, I did not forgive this act. She took the suitcase in one hand, the flag in the other, left, and divorced at the registry office. I left everything to him, didn’t sue, I was disgusted thatthe man voices the phrase: “Where is my 50%.” Somehow this is not masculine!

He was left alone. The adult children also did not accept his action. I have never in my life tried to manage money in my family. All 40 years - I received my salary, paid it, I am calm. What happened here? Some kind of senile insanity. The reason for everything that happened is that people do not understand each other, they do not express that something is bothering them. During the showdown, instead of a constructive conversation, only negativity spills out. Now both of them are lonely in their old age test-antibiotic.com, what's good? My soul hurts, I can’t breathe, it’s as if my lungs have been ripped out. I think it's not easy for him either. But he shows me in every possible way how good he is without me! Soon 2 years!

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