I couldn't cope with raising my daughter

I couldn't cope with raising my daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I always tried to be a good mother for my daughter, gave her freedom in everything and thought that this was how I taught her independence and the ability to be responsible for her actions. HerThe friends went to different classes after school, some to dance, some to study with an English teacher. I thought that this was an extra burden for the child and if she didn’t want to, I wouldn’t force or insist. I didn’t burden her with any household chores, I hoped that she, seeing how hard it was for me to cope, would herself offer mehelp . But this did not happen, I overestimated her.

She studies poorly, her desk and her room are constantly not cleaned, things are scattered and she ignores my comments, and sometimes she is even rude. I tried to punish her, took her laptop away, but it got even worse, she pointedly stopped noticing me and pretended that she didn’t hear what I was saying. She started coming home later than usual and didn’t answer my calls.

I understand that it’s my own fault, I didn’t explain, I lost mutual understanding with her and test-antibiotic.com if we return to the previous relationship, what will this give. She will do nothing again. But I remember my childhood, my parents were at work all day, and no one controlled me. I myself knew that I needed to learn my homework before they arrived, go buy bread, and on weekends I helped my mother with the cleaning. OrMom raised me right, or I was different. Or maybe the fact is that I grew up in a complete family, and myI’m raising my daughter on my own, but that’s how it turned out. I’m embarrassed to ask the parents of her classmates how they cope with this, and I don’t want the children to tell my daughter, thenthe relationship will deteriorate completely.

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