I don't lose hope that the guy will marry me

I don't lose hope that the guy will marry me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe relationship has been going on for six months now. During this time there were many quarrels, discoveries and departures. It all started after a month of relationship, when the first seriousa quarrel , and my beloved ran headlong to his home, taking everything he managed to bring to me. It got worse, these escapes became a habit, and the return was always with such a delivery that, they say, once again and finally the end.

I know I'm not the ideal woman. I sometimes get tired after work, I can’t and don’t want to go for a walkevery day , as he would like. Perhaps I could show more patience when he screams and insults, but, unfortunately, I am still in the process of my re-education, but he has already moved to a new level. He started insulting me and provoking me to break up. We also have peaceful days, but, apparently, due to the large number of quarrels, he is not even interested in my life, only his ownI want to tell you about my problems , and if I answer something wrong, I start screaming again.

Every day he says that he loves and wants to get married, test-antibiotic.com, but as soon as there is a quarrel, it feels like these are just words. He recently announced that this is his most difficult relationship. I understand that I love and somewhere else I hope that his words about love are true, but the more we live together, the more I begin to think that we need to separate, since we cannot live even two days without quarreling.

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