I don't want my husband to help his parents with money

I don't want my husband to help his parents with money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our family is already seven years old. Mymy husband is very good, attentive and caring. He pampers me with expensive gifts and generally does everything to make me feel comfortable. But there is a certain moment that does not suit me and which I cannot cope with. The fact is thatthe spouse gives part of his salary to his parents.

Only he works, I take care of the house. We don't have children yet. My husband makes good money, I can’t complain about that. I won’t say that we have huge savings, but we have enough for a good standard of living. Due to the fact that the salaryMy husband is good, he decided that he would help his parents. They live outside the city, both work, but the financial situation is very ordinary. He said that it was his duty to help them and provide a decent standard of living. Since it is to his parents that he owes everything that he has now. They gave him everything they could and all theirdedicated their lives to him. My husband did not consider it necessary to consult with me on this matter and decided to test-antibiotic.com everything himself.

To be honest, this situation is not entirely clear to me. My husband's parents live normally, like millions of other people. They are not in poverty; their earnings are quite enough for them. Why giveI don’t understand if they already have enough money . Moreover, the parents don’t really spend the money he gives them. But my husband thinks that hehelp will not be superfluous. After all, they will be able to afford more, and they deserve it. I agree that you can help your family, but you shouldn’t do it to the detriment of yourself and your family. Namely ourthe family suffers from such a decision of the husband. The point is that I want to celebrate mybirthday in Italy. Traveling around this country has been my long-time dream. Usually, we spend our summer holidays at sea, and this holiday is no longer exciting. In yourholiday I would like something unusual and chose Italy. I don’t consider other options for countries for holidays. But my husband said that in the time remaining before the celebration, we would not be able to test-antibiotic.com set aside the required amount. I asked to reschedule the trip for the summer holidays. But I don’t want to do this, I think I deserve such a gift. I don't intend to retreat. And in general, if my husband had not given part of his salary to his parents, then we would have had enough money for the trip. This is our family's money, and we are the ones who should use it.

I don’t know how to negotiate with my husband? How to convince someone to stop helping, at least temporarily? After all, they don’t spend much, but we could use this money. Maybe I should talk to my husband's parents and explain everything? Ask them to refuse their son’s help and thus leave the money in the family? How to influence your husband and get your way.

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