I do not want my husband to start communicating with the child from his first marriage again

I do not want my husband to start communicating with the child from his first marriage again
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met at work. He was married. Not so long ago, the long-awaited baby was born. I was almost 30 years old. I was disappointed in the relationship and no longer expected anything.

We just started talking. He helped me, taught me, and unbeknownst to myself, I fell in love. The feeling turned out to be mutual. He applied fordivorce , and we moved into a rented apartment.

He made good money. So when the formerwife raised a scandal, gave her everything (apartment, car, furniture). If only she would let him go in peace. It was jointly acquired and, in fact, would be divided in half. But we decided that we would earn everything ourselves.

My man, already at that time, saw the child, listened to terrible scandals and curses in his direction from his ex-wife and her relatives. There was constant hatred and reproaches.

Mutual acquaintances said that she was looking for a grandmother to curse me. But I don't believe in all of this. AlthoughMy health got worse every month. We were both very nervous. The ex-wife tried to blackmail. Even after the divorce, I forced him to leave me for the test-antibiotic.com child. She swore love to him.

The child is still small, only a year old. Instead of constant nerves, we decided to wait. They stopped communicating with the child for a while. And surprisingly, his ex-wife also did not keep in touch. She got everything she wanted, including alimony in the amount of 25 thousand.

Two years have passed. My husband still has a good job, only now we got into big debts, tried to start our own business, but it failed. Now we will pay creditors for many years. We barely pay for a rented apartment ourselves, we have not gained anything.

And his ex-wife leftmarried , gave birth and now began to impose a common child again. He no longer remembers her husband. Why is this? She writes, she calls, she wantsHusband also paid for preparatory courses. He says he doesn't have enough money and time. Although her grandmother andmother help. Her husband's parents offered help, but she refuses under various pretexts, insisting that the child needs a father.

It was not needed for two years, but then it became necessary. He calls him at work and throws mud at him. I insist that test-antibiotic.com he does not communicate with the child and not get into this again. Nerves, quarrels, screams, manipulation. Let her educate herself. She should have enough money. Moreover, the new husband is a businessman with good real estate.

Opposite of her. I want to give birth myself, but we are in too deplorable financial condition. I will never let my husband start talking to her again. He seems to agree, but I see that with each of her new messages and photographs of the child, he begins to hesitate. I don't know how to convince him that he doesn't need it.

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