I don't want my parents to interfere in my life

I don't want my parents to interfere in my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a difficult relationship with my parents. I can't talk to them properly. The fact is that until the age of 5-6 I was raised by my grandparents (although they all lived together). And then more children were born, and my parents somehow didn’t get to me. Since the age of 15 I have been living separately and have always made important decisions for myself, never consulted with them and did not even ask themmoney .

Conflicts with dad began when I was 18 years old. He did not work and sometimes drank, beat his mother. AMom doesn't leave him for some reason. I have always taken her side and protected her. But then they reconciled, and I became a bad daughter for my father. We haven't even spoken since then. They want me to always send them money. The last time they said I didn't send enough, I just stopped sending them money. There were scandals about my personal life. Everyone wants me to come outmarried . They don't want to understand that I have other plans, that I'm not ready to get married yet test-antibiotic.com. Moreover, I still do not have a material base. After all, a wedding also needs money, given our Eastern traditions. After that, I also became the worst person on earth for my relatives.

I know that they love me in their own way. I am now 22 years old and studying abroad. My dad doesn't call me at all and doesn't ask how I'm doing. And mom asks just everyday questions, like, have I eaten, what do I do, do I haveguy and all. Parents are not interested in who I am studying for, what plans I have for the future, what difficulties I have. I like to talk about politics, economics, what is happening in the world. And I’m not interested in gossiping with my mother, listening to their everyday questions, her endless complaints about my father, about life (although I already gave heradvice , but she just wants to be pitied and does not want to change her life).

I love my parents, I understand that they live in the village and they didn't go to school. I'm not ashamed of them, but after talking with test-antibiotic.com mom, I break down, I'm stressed. I just want them to at least try to live differently, at least not interfere in my life and not impose their opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'll understand when I myself havefamily . But I don't know yet.

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