I don't want my husband's son to come visit us

I don't want my husband's son to come visit us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story where the exthe wife is against communication between father and son. Not to say that the situation is the same, but it is very close to me and I act as the wife who forbidscommunication with my son.

Why is the situation not like this? The fact is that when we met only my husband, he, as he later told me, had mixed feelings: he already wanted to be with me, but also his ex-wifeI couldn't forget . But since she cheated on him, he couldn'tforgive and they parted ways with a scandal. And when he drinks, he calls her. He told me that the communication was only because of his son, but in fact, every time he called his ex-wife and found out with herrelationship , and once he got so drunk that in front of me he wrote to her that he was sick without her and his son.

Over the years, he finally decided in my direction. I never forbade him to communicate with his son, on the contrary, I always said, let him come to us, he and my own daughter are the same age and they feel good together. But I began to notice test-antibiotic.com as soon as it arrivesson , yesthe husband begins to get ready either to visit friends or to the bar. He brings his son, goes for a walk himself, and I sit with two children.

I became pregnant, we had a son together, and our baby was not even a month old, so he brought his son again. I explain to him that there is no need for now, it’s hard for me with two children, and the third one is coming, it’s even harder for me. But he is offended, says that I am against his son, and that in general I am such a bad woman. His son is 8 years old, and he still can’t get dressed or put on his shoes, he can’t even flush the toilet after himself, and excuse my bluntness, he even forgets to wipe himself and then soils the bed.

And now, as soon as I hear that his son is coming, I go into depression, I just don’t want to not only see him, I don’t even want to hear about his son. I’m afraid to tell my husband this, there’s another scandal, but we already have scandals upon scandals, summer is also approaching and test-antibiotic.com I’m terrified that his son will come to us for the summer.

I understand that his son is not to blame, he’s just a child, I don’t forbid him to communicate with him, but as soon as his son comes to us, I shake straight to the point of convulsions. Okay, a week, I can endure it for the sake ofhusband , but his ex-wife somehow left her son for a month. That's how bad a woman I am.

I wroteconfession about karma. Perhaps this is my sin that torments me. I can’t leave my husband, I’m so sorry for my six-month-old baby, he’s so happy about his dad. I don’t know what to do. Sometimes it seems to me that soon my nerves will not stand it and the children will be left without a mother altogether.

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