I don't want to have a stepfather

I don't want to have a stepfather
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We havefamily small - me and mother, because the eldest brother went to study abroad, we were left alone. Dad doesn't live with us.

Sometimes my mother and I have scandals about unwashed dishes and all sorts of pressing matters, but we quickly make up. I was never told what mom and dad are likerelationshipwhether they are married or not, I just saw him sometimes, he is onBirthdaygave me gifts, sometimes picked me up from school and stuff like that.

I'm 15 years old, but I've already seen a lot in my life: betrayal,betrayal, hypocrisy and all other sins. I don’t consider myself small and I don’t want anyone to think so. Let me move on to the actual problem.

We live in a country house, and the city is 25 minutes away, and there is work and everything else. And since mom is afraid to drive a car, and dad can’t, a friend of ours drives her. And when my brother left, he began to appear at our house very often, and when I didn’t wake up, his car was already parked at the test-antibiotic.com gate. As a result, he began to take me to school. Mom does not cook food in the house so that there is no smell, we had a garage, but my mother converted it into a kitchen, and there are windows there that shine through during the day , what happens on the street, and in the evening it’s the other way around.

And one day I go to the kitchen and see this “acquaintance” pestering my mother, but she doesn’t mind. I was not upset, because such feelings were familiar to me, I just went into the room with bitterness in my soul. Days and months passed and he and my mother began to get closer, since it’s already winter, I see him more often than the sun in the sky. Every morning he sits in the kitchen eating something, and since I haveproblems with the liver, I can’t eat what my mother cooks for him and I get angry because my mother and I adhere to proper nutrition, and then he showed up and everything went wrong.

After his “breakfast” he goes into the house, lies down on the sofa and watches TV. We have a 2-story house and sometimes I test-antibiotic.com hear everything that happens there. One day I woke up early and went downstairs, I saw him running naked from my mother’s room to the toilet. My mood had already worsened and I pretended that I hadn’t seen anything. I already realized that she and her mother have a relationship that she is trying to hide. I know that women are afraid to be left alone, but he occupied the whole house and behaves like the owner.

I complained to my brother that I couldn’t live like this and was trying as hard as I could to pretend that I didn’t like him, but I didn’t have the courage to tell my mother everything, because I knew that I could hear the answer: “Mind your own business” or “That’s my personal life,” but seeing him next to my mother is disgusting and disgusting. At the same time, he also swears at everyone like a shoemaker. I'm just afraid of ruining our relationship with my mother.

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