I don't want to live like my sister

I don't want to live like my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My eldestMy sister has been restless since childhood. In addition, he is the ringleader and authority figure in any company. Everyone predicted great things for herfuture careerist. But she chose a rather strange profession for herself - a pastry chef. Instead of going to university, I just went to college. She believed that there was no need to waste extra time studying if you could improve yourself.

Came outAt the age of 21, she married her school admirer, such a quiet person that it immediately became clear that her sister would crush herhusband with his authority. She didn’t hide it, she said: “I have certain plans for him, which, under my leadership, he must fulfill!” No, herthe husband is not an oligarch or a businessman, he has no business spirit. He is an ordinary office worker. And I feel sorry for him. My sister has no respect for him. She made him henpecked. He cannot do anything without her orders. I think there is no love on her part.

But my sister started giving birth. Moreover, children were not born by chance. Everything was planned. But before giving birth, we need to live somewhere, so we took out a mortgage. My husband works two jobs, test-antibiotic.com she works one, but with night shifts at a restaurant. Then the first one appearedson . While my sister was feeding the child for six months, she found time to bake cakes at home. Then ourmom , since my sister returned to work.

Secondthe child was planned in 4 years. And so it happened. Borndaughter , and again my sister is eager to go to work. The eldest goes to kindergarten, the youngest goes back to his mother, who warned that if my sister gives birth to another one, she will not sit with the children. She knew that her sister had plans for at least a third, and also in 4 years.

When the third daughter was born,The family has already paid off the entire mortgage. It was a pity to look at my sister’s husband - he looked exhaustedlemon ​He had to get a third, night job as a watchman for a while, three days later, where he could sleep. And at home my sister didn’t lag behind. And if the husband was at home, there was always something to do for him. But honestlyShe took upon herself the upbringing of the children, and spent three years at home from the youngest until her kindergarten.

I could not test-antibiotic.com visit her normally. Some kind of eternal fuss with crying children. It’s hard for the eldest to concentrate on lessons, the middle one fights, the little one is capricious. My sister constantly screams at everyone out of excess energy.

After she got her youngest into kindergarten and the middle one went to 1st grade, my sister got two jobs at once. As she says: “I take a break at work from my family and in my family from work.”

One day she met up with her classmate, whom she had not seen since school. By the way, my sister is not on any social network. She doesn’t like it, and she doesn’t have time. That's why no one has seen her over the years. And this onea classmate was completely shocked: “Oh, what happened to you? You have somehow gained weight and look tortured, without your former chic! We all thought that you would achieve something cool in life!”

My sister told me about this almost in tears: “Doesn’t she understand? I have achieved a lot in life. I haveapartment , obedient husband, wonderful children,My profession is cool. Yes, this test-antibiotic.com is happiness!”

And yet I looked at it from the other side. Well, what is she happy with? The one who really looks older than his age? Because she tortured her husband and gives birth to children? But she has a fourth child in plans. Our mother is already asking her not to do anything stupid and not give birth, and she says: “I still have a lot of energy, maybe I’ll give birth to my fifth.”

Her excellent performance at school went down the drain. Runs from frying pan to pot, shouting at the children. This is an achievement!  Mom tells me: “Maybe you’ll at least do some good, go out into people, won’t get bogged down in everyday problems and diapers.”

Yes, I’m graduating from university and will become a lawyer. But I will never repeat the “happy” fate of my sister. Although, to each his own.

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